mr tweedale-chapter 9.1 Flashcards
information processing
data from environment is collected and utilised
e.g netball checking in right psotion before being passed to
what are the 3 stages of the information processing
decision making
input stage
information is picked up by the senses from the environment
what is the display
the sporting environment
what are the senses
Sat BK
what are the scenses collectively known as
receptor systems
example of when vision used in sport
see flight of ball
postion of the opponent
example of when auditory used in sport
player may hear team mate being called
sound of the referees horn
are both hearing and sight internal senses or external senses
external senses as info is collected from the environment
example of touch used in sport
grip of the ball
feel of spingboard for siver
example of balance in sport
gymnast balancing during floor routine or competing on a beam
example of kinesthesis in sport
inner sense that given info on the body position of the performer
sense from within the performer
are touch balance and kinesthesis internal or external senses
internal senses as from within rather then the environment
decision making
second stage of information processing
performer makes decision based on information collected from the senses
performer gets lots of information but needs to pick out the most important
what is selective attention
filtering relevant information from irrelevant information
identifies information important to performer and disregards less important information
e.g. focusing on the flight of the ball rather then the crowd
developing selective attention
automatic for autonomous, top class performers
sports performer may enhance process of selective attention by learning to focus attention on important stimulus
e.g making stimulus more loud and intense during training so block out the irrelevant info e,g crowds
process of coding and interpretating the info from display supplied from senses
what are the three elements of perception
detection, comparison and recognition
DCR process
where does detection belong
belongs in input stage of information processing
what is the comparison level about
where the performer tries to match info identified with info already found
means performer has used info from the memory to identify appropriate response
translatory mechanisms
helps to convert info so decisions can be made
working memory system
central executive
phonological loop
visual sketchpad
episodif buffer
by baddley and hitch
central executive
has all control over information entering and leaving the working memory
quickly identifies which information should be sent to which sub system
phonological loop
holds info such as the shout from the coach, call from a team mate
sound of ball hitting a racket
deals with auditory information presnted from senses
phonologivcal store
articulatory process
helps produce memory trace mental image of skill)
sent to long term memory
then triggers motor programme
visuospatial sketchpad
concerns visual and spatial(where) information
helps to process the feel for the movement
further divided into inner scribe and visual cache
inner scribe-deals with spatial movement
visual cache-holds info about form and colour
episodic buffer
repsonsible for coordinating work of phonological loop and visiospatial sketchpad into sequences
sequences produce patterns of skilled actions that are put in order and sent to LTM
what is a memory trace
mental snapshot of skill being used
response time
time taken from onset of stimulus to onset of response
fraction of a second it takes us to process selected stimuli
movemtn time
time it takes tp complete task after infromation processing has taken place
e.g time it takes from pushing off blocks to finsih line
response time
time taken from onset of a stimulus to the completion of a task
simple reaction time
where there is one specific repsonse to one stimulus
e.g runnign from sound of a gun
should be fast as only have one thing to think about before they react
choice reaction time
choosung fromm numerous stimuli
reaction time should be slower
factors that influence response time:hicks law
reaction time increases as the number of choices increases
e.g varying shots in tennis to felay opponents time to react
hicks law
states the more choices we have, the slower the response