mr smith-classes of food Flashcards
what are the two types of carbohydrates
simple carbohydates
can be brokedoqn quicky
giving fast release of energy
used during high intenisty exercises for anaerobic exercise
why are carbohydartes main source of energy
muscles require supply of glucose (sugar) to create ATP through respiration
complex carbohydrates
found in most plant foods
take longer to break down
provide slow release of energy
allowinf aerobic energy system
complex carb examples
pottaoes rice
simple carb examples
function of carbs
provided supply of enrrgy to cells and muscles
only substrate that can be used for both aerobic and anaerobic exercise
what are fats made up of
one molecule of glyercol and 3 molecules of fatty acids
what are the two types of fat
what do fats lead up to
heart disease
effectt of fats on perofmance and health
limits cardiovascualr endurance
fatty depostits that block arteries
where is chlosetrol found
all cells used to help make hormones
plaque is built up causing reistance in blood vessels
function of fats
yeild double the enrgy of carbs
majour source of enrgy if body at rest or low intesity
only utalised through aerobic repsiration as fat requires more oxygen to break down then carbs
what do fats also do
utalise us
layers of insulation that can help keep us warm in cold temps e.g. open water swimming
vital for cell growth and repair
what do proteins make up
all enzymes hormones and haemoglobin
source of protein
meat, fish
what does lack of protein cause
what happens if dont have enough portin
cants pogressive overload during training meaning imporvements less likely to take place
disadvanatges of not enough protein
decreases chances of DOMS after exercise
what happens if take too much protein
changes and stores as fat
wwhen perofmer most liekly to need lots of protien
anaerobic exercise eg weight training
powerful explosive movements
without protein, no mucle mass gain
what are the three vitamins
vitamin D
vitamin C
vitamin B12
vitamin B complex
main function of vitamin D
body creates by sunlight
essential for healthy bones
helps to regulate absorption of calcium
prevents fractures
vitamin c
helps maintain healthy immune system
helps prevent illness
maintain healthy bones, gums
ligaments preventing dislocations
vitamin B12
prodcues red blood cells
gelps body transport oxygen so vital for aerobic performance
vitamin B complex
releases energy
produces RBC hamoglobin
helps maintain healthy nervous system
what are the three minerals
what do minerals do
vital for conduction of electrical impulses
impact of no minerals
inability to contract and relax muscles
sodium function
maintain water balance
found in salts
losing electrolytes through sweat, may lead to muscle cramping
increases blood pressure and risk of stroke
important in muscle contractions
vital for healthy teeth, bones
what happens if lack of calcium and viatmin D
increased risk of fractures
vital for devlopment of RBC
found in nuts, meat
lack of Hb is anamenia
helps digestion system function properly
absorbs water and passge of food through gut
avoids constipation
helps regulate electrolyte balance
effect of not having enough water:
lose control of limbs
lsoe sense of direction
lose colour (pale)
extreme fatigue
loss of elctrolytes and water lost from sweat,neeeds to be replensihed
if not replensished, causes dehydration
effects of dehyration
increase in blood viscosity
over heating
dizziness/blurred vision