catdiovascuLr sustem Flashcards
what is the CCC stimulated by
sense chemical chnages
detect chnages in c02
excerise, increase in c02
c02 important in controlling Hr
when increase in concentration of c02, stimulates sympathetic nervous system to increase HR
detect changes in blood pressure
choose set point
any increase or decrease from set point, causes signal to be sent to medulla
increase in arterial pressure, increase in stretch of baroreceptors, reduction in HR
detect chnages in movement
exercise, detect change in movement
impulse then sent to medulla
sends impulse through sympathetic nervous system to SA NODE to increase HR
stroke volume
volume of blood pumped out out ventricles per contraction
stroke volume and venous return relaistoop
as venous return increases, so does SV
more blood coming back to heart, more blood leaving heart
starlings law
increase in venous return, greater diastolic filling phase, greater stretch of cardiac muscle, greater force of contraction, greater ejection fraction
heart rate
amount of times heart beats per minute
cardiac output
volume of blood pumped out of ventrixles per mintier
max heart rate calculation
max exercise graph
ananerobic excerise e.g sprinting
sub max exercise graph
straight line at top
aerobic exercise e.g jogging
steady as oxygen meets demand
what happens to cardiac output during exercise
increase due to increase in SV and HR but only increased until certain point, then plateaus
cardiac hupotrophy
cardiac muscle becomes bigger and stronger
reduction in HR to 60 beats per minute
heart disease
caused by smoking, low cholesterol levels, lack in exercise
coronary arteries supply oxygenated blood to the heart
coronary arteries become blocked up or narrowed by fatty deposits (atheroma)
process called atherosclerosis
arteries become less able to deliver as much oxygen to heart -causes pain agina
if one of the fatty deposits falls off it causes a blood clot which can cut off supply to heart causing heart attacks
benefits of exercise on the heart
keeps heart healthy
can pump more void around the body
makes heart bigger and strong (cardiohypertrophy)
increases SV
maintain flexibility of blood vessels
blood supply to brain is cut off
brain cells start to die
two types of strokes
haemorrhagic-stroke occurs from weakned blood vessel supplying brain bursts
ischaemic-blood clot stops blood supply
cardiovascular drift
heart rate should stay same during steady state of exercise
instead slowly climbs-cardiovascular drift
decrease in pressure and SV but increase in HR
when environment is warm
caused by sweat, when we sweat some of lost fluid comes from plasma volume
decrease in plasma, reduces venous return and stroke volume
HR increases to maintain higher cardiac output to create more energy to cool body down
what are the two types of circulation
pulmonary-deoxygenated blood from heart to lungs, oxygenated blood back to heart
systemic-oxygenated bloody from heart and lungs, deoxygenated blood back to heart
characteristics of veins
blood at low pressure
thin muscular layers
contain valves
wide lumen
highest pressure
smaller lumen
only wide enough to allow one red blood cell to pass through at given time
one cell thick meaning short diffusion pathway
relationship of pressure and vasodilation or construction
diastolic phase decreases due to vasodilation
systolic pressure
venous return
return of blood to right side of the body via the vena cava
venous return mechanisms
skeletal muscle pump
respiratory pump
pocket valves
skeletal muscle pump
as muscles contract and relax they change shape
compress on nearby behind causing pumping effect and more blood to be pumped up to heart
respiratory pump
as mucked contract and relax, change in blood pressure
chnage in pressure causes nearby veins to be compressed causi bc more blood back to heart
pocket valves
assure blood flows in one direction
open and closes to prevent blood back flow
diastolic pressure
pressure in blood vessels when ventricles are relaxing
systolic pressure
pressure in blood vessels when ventricles are contracting
transportation of oxygen
cappileries-oxygen diffuses into capillaries, 3% diffuses into plasma 97% combines with oxygen forming oxygenhamolgobin
tissues-oxygen is then released from haemologbin called oxyhaemoglobin dissociation curve
muscles-oxygen is stored by myglobin
higher affinity for oxygen and will store it for mitochondria to then use for the muscles
why does our stroke volume reduce in cardiovascular drift
sympathetic control of breathing
increase in breathing rate
medulla obllagata-RCC (respiratory control centre)
vasocualr shunt mechanism
redistribution of blood to areas where oxygen is most needed
widening of the blood vessels to increase blood flow to capillaries
narrowing of blood vessels to reduce blood flow to cappileries
pre-capillary splinters
aid blood redistribution
capillary have them relaxed to increases blood flow
responsible for exchange of gases between lungs and vlood
movement of gas molecules from area of high concentration to area of low concentration
how is structure used to help gaseasous exchange
walls thin so short disunion pathway
huge surface area to increase uptake of oxygen
gaseous exchange
movement of oxygen from air into blood
carbon dioxide from blood into air
tidal volume
volume of air breathed in and out per breath
increases during exercise
inspiratory reserve volume
volume of air forcibly inspired after normal breath
decreases during exercise
expiratory reserve volume
volume of air forcibly expired after normal breath
decreases during exercise
minute ventiallation
volume of air breathed in and out per minute
increases during exercise
residual volume
volume of air left in lungs after max expiration
stays same during exercise
what measures volume of air
gaseous exchange
getting oxygen from air into lungs so can diffuse in blood and transport to cells of the body
getting rid of carbon dioxide from blood
gaseous exchange at the alveoli
partial pressure of oxygen in alveloi is higher then partial pressure of oxygen in the capillary
what is the difference in partial pressure referred to as
concentration/diffusion gradient
what happens to oxygen in alveoli during gaseous exchange
oxygen will diffuse into blood from alveloi until pressure is equal in both
what happens to co2 during gaseous exchange
partial pressure of c02 is higher in the cappileries then the alveloi
the oxygen will diffuse into the alveoli from the blood until pressure is equal
gaseous exchange at muscles
negative impact on respiratory system
causes irritation of trachea and bronchi
reduced lung function
increases breathlessness
causes swelling and narrowing of lung airways
damaged cells lining the trachea
causes damage to cilia (tiny hairs which help remove mucus out of lungs)
types of muscle fibres
type 1 (slow oxidative)
type 2a (fast oxidative glycotic)
type 2x (fast glycotic)
slow oxidative fibres (type 1)
slow contraction speed
better adapted for lower intensity exercises
produce energy aerobically
fast twitch fibres
fast oxidative glycotic (type 2a)
fast glycotic (type 2x)
quick contraction speed
used for high intensities
produce energy ananerobically e.g sprint
type 2a
resistance to fatigue
longer burst of energy needed
e.g 1500m run
type 2x
fibres fatigue much quicker
highly explosive i’ve events e.g sprint
short bursts of energy needed
characteristics of type 1 fibre
motor neurone size small
high myglobin content
high capillary density
high mitochondria density
charceteistixs of type 2a
large motor neurone size
medium mitochondria content
medium myglobin content
medium cappileries density
type 2x
large motor neurone size
low myglobin content
low mitochondrial density
low capillary density
where muscle becomes bigger and stronger
muscle fibres
grouped into motor units
motor unit
consists of muscle fibres and motor neurone
neuromuscular junction
where motor neurone and muscle fibre meet
motor units, motor nuerons and muscle fibres
motor unit consists of muscle fibres and motor neurons
when muscle fibres and motor units meet=neuromuscular junction
fine movements=motor units with only few fibres
gross movement=feed of 100s of fibres
slow twitch motor units
recruited for lower intensity exercises e.g jogging
fast twitch fibres recruited for higher intensity exercises e.g sprint
how to increase strength of contraction
wave summation
spatial summation
wave summation
repeated activation of a motor neurone stimulating a given muscle fibre resulting in greater force of contraction
each time nerve impulse reaches muscle cell, calcium is released
repeated nerve impulses with no time to relax, calcium built up creating smooth contraction-tetanic contraction
spatial summation
impulses received at same time at different places on the neurone
add up fire to neurone
recruitment of additional bigger motor units within muscle to develop more force
omggg (proprioreceptors neuromuscular facilitation
type of advanced stretching
muscle spindles and golgi tendon organs
what are the two proprioreceptors for PNF
muscle spindles and golgi tendon organs
muscle spindles
stretch receptors
detect how far and fast a muscle is being stretched
send signal for muscle to contract, stretch reflex preventing overstretching
golgi tendon organs
detect tension in muscle
when muscle contracts isometricallg in pnf, sense increase in tension and send signals for muscle to relax
known as autogenic inhibition
steps of PNF
- performer performs passive stretch with help of partner
stretch detected by muscle spindles. if muscle stretched too far, stretch reflex occurs - individual isometricallg contracts muscle for at least 10 secs
pushing leg against partner
golgi tendon organs then activated
send signals with override signals of muscle spindles, delaying the stretch reflex - meg stretches up, golgi tendon organs responsible for muscle relaxing which means leg stretches further
work is anaerobic
recovery is aerobic
involves repeated rapid stretching and contracting of muscles to increase muscle power
involve high intensive explosive movements e.h hopping and jumping
used fast twitch fibres
speed agility and quickness
aims to improve multi directional movements
drills include zig zags
beneficial for goal keeper as have to go from side to side