mr tweedale-theories of learning Flashcards
4 theories of learning
operant condioing
social learning theory
social develpment theory
insight learning
operant conditioning definition
use of reinforcement to assure that correct responses are repeated
link correct reponse to stimulus
skinner box
observed rats in box
cage fitted with mechnism which brought out food pellet
rat soon learnt that by hitting mechnism, gets reward of food pellet so behaviour was repeated
what is operatnt conditioning charcterised by
too maddie sally
trial and error learning
manipulation of enviorment
shaping behaviour
example of a strengthed S-R bond
returning a high air badminton shot with a smash shot
way in whcih coach can link correct repsonse with stimulus is by psoritve reinfroement, negative reinforecemtn, punishment
postive reinfroment
where a pleasant stimulus is given to increase likihood of correct reponse occurring
negative reinforment
removal of an unpleast stimlus after correct response
e.g coach shouting bc player doing something wrong
then starts doing it right, unpleasaent stimukus id then removed
coach gives unplesnt stimulus to prevent incorrect action from happening again
e.g red card for foul play
observational learning
motor reporducion
makind demonstartion attractive to perfomer
more attractive, more leikly to be copied
can make model stand out by making it loud,bright or attractive therefore memorable to player
how well stored in memory to recall it
make sure demonsatrate is clear
done by real model or expert
learner should attempt it as soon as its been seen to keep it fresh in mind
motor reproduction
having the ability to do the task
making sure task is set at same level of ability as player
if begginer, amking sure time is given to go over task so stuck in head
drive needed to copy demonstration
can be helped by use of reinfrocemetn, rewrds e.g praise
social development theory
found that inertactions with others played vital role in learning
skills can be learnt from others
these others are known as the MKO
more knowlege other
can show things like high healthy liestyle, values and actions
what was the first process of vgstokry social devlopment throy of learning
intrer-psychological learning
learn skill of coach
learner usees the MKO to get advice feedback and tactical knowlege
what is the second stage
intra-psychological learning
learning from wihtin after gaining external knowledged from others