origin of the mesentery of small intestine
Obliquely , inferiorly , to the right
root of mesentery allows passage of what structures
Superior mesenteric vessels
lymph vessels
nerve supplying small intestine
location of jejunum
left upper quadrant
lumen of jejunum
wall of jejunum
plicae circulares in jejunum
large , numerous , closely set
location of ileum
right lower quadrant
lumen of ileum
wall of ileum
pilcae circulares in ileum
small . Widely separated
Absent in distal part
incase of MECKEL’S diverticulum
small intestine will be connected with
what is the rule of 2’s in MECKEL’S diverticulum
2% of population
2 feet from ileocecal junction
2 inches long
2 tissues
2 complications
what 2 tissues are involved in MECKEL’S diverticulum
gastric & pancreatic
what are the 2 complications of MECKEL’S diverticulum
Ulceration & obstruction
Arterial supply of jejunum & ileum
Superior mesenteric artery
jejunal artery
ileal artery
ileocolic artery
Superior mesenteric artery arises from
Abdominal aorta
what arteries supply the bulk of small intestine
jejunal & ileal arteries
ileocolic artery supplies what parts
terminal ileum
cecum , appendix , first portion of ascending colon
right colic artery supplies what part of colon
Ascending colon
what artery supplies transverse colon
Middle colic artery
branches of inferior mesenteric artery
marginal artery
left colic artery
sigmoid artery
location of pancreas
Transversely across post. abdominal wall
post. to stomach
organs in relation with pancreas
Posterior to the stomach
between duodenum on the right & spleen on the left .
parts of pancreas
head , neck , body , tail