drugs that enhance motility of GI
prokinetic drugs
type of motility aiming for
Coordinated GI motility
main 2 drugs of choice
metoclopramide & domperidone
effector neuron proximal to bolus release
effector neuron distal to bolus
nitric oxide , vasoactive intestinal polypeptide
ACH secretion causes
Contraction of the muscle
NO & VIP causes
Relaxation of the muscle
cholinergic drugs are not used anymore due to
Unspecific to GI muscarinic receptors
Uncoordinated GI motility
Example s on cholinergic drugs
MOA of bethanechol
acting on M3 receptors directly
MOA of neostigmine
Reversible Ach esterase inhibitor
cholinergic agonists are used nowadays rarely for
post - operative paralytic ileus
MOA of Domperidone
D2 - antagonist
Effects of domperidone
1- ↑LES tone
2- Facilitate peristalsis and gastric emptying
3- Relaxation of pyloric antrum & 1st part of duodenum
4-↑ prolactin levels
5- anti-emetic
Indications for domperidone
GERD / diabetic gastroparesis / lactational deficiency / anti-emetic