drugs that enhance motility of GI
prokinetic drugs
type of motility aiming for
Coordinated GI motility
main 2 drugs of choice
metoclopramide & domperidone
effector neuron proximal to bolus release
effector neuron distal to bolus
nitric oxide , vasoactive intestinal polypeptide
ACH secretion causes
Contraction of the muscle
NO & VIP causes
Relaxation of the muscle
cholinergic drugs are not used anymore due to
Unspecific to GI muscarinic receptors
Uncoordinated GI motility
Example s on cholinergic drugs
MOA of bethanechol
acting on M3 receptors directly
MOA of neostigmine
Reversible Ach esterase inhibitor
cholinergic agonists are used nowadays rarely for
post - operative paralytic ileus
MOA of Domperidone
D2 - antagonist
Effects of domperidone
1- ↑LES tone
2- Facilitate peristalsis and gastric emptying
3- Relaxation of pyloric antrum & 1st part of duodenum
4-↑ prolactin levels
5- anti-emetic
Indications for domperidone
GERD / diabetic gastroparesis / lactational deficiency / anti-emetic
ADR of domperidone
MOA of metoclopramide
D2- antagonist
5HT3- antagonist
5HT4- agonist
effects of metoclopramide
1- ↑LES tone
2- Facilitate peristalsis and gastric emptying
3- Relaxation of pyloric antrum & 1st part of duodenum
4-↑ prolactin levels
5- anti-emetic
indications for metoclopramide
GERD / diabetic gastroparesis / lactational deficiency / anti-emetic
ADR of metoclopramide
hyperprolactinemia / induced Parkinsonism
why do metoclopramide induce Parkinson disease
it crosses BBB
What is your DRUG OF CHOICE from dopamine receptor antagonists
drugs used to facilitate colon movement
to what drug classes does prucalopride belongs to
serotonin receptor agonist