OR TSA, DI et développement Flashcards
Ratio H:F TSA
Prévalence TSA
% TSA avec DI
V/F Chromosomal array (CMA) including Copy number variations (CNVs) are reported to account for almost 20% of ASD
V/F Less than 10% of children with ASD are found to have single gene disorders including Fragile X
2 facteurs de risque environnementaux pour TSA
Âge paternel avancé, utilisation anticonvulsivants chez mère (surtout Tegretol)
V/F Most people with ASD improve over time in adaptive functioning and ritualistic, repetitive behaviours
Faux, améliorent surtout communication sociale, irritabilité et agitation
Pics d’incidence d’épilepsie chez TSA
Tôt en enfance et adolescence
3 comorbidités TSA
trouble du langage, TDAH, DI
2 Rx pour TSA
Risperidone (5-16 y) and aripiprazole (6-17 y) are FDA approved for irritability in children and adolescents with autism
Mnémonique Erikson
- Mr.Trust and MsTrust
- had an auto[autonomy] they were ashamed of.
- She took the initiative to find the guilty party.
- She found the industry was inferior. * They were making cars with dents[identity] androlling fuses [role confusion].
- Mr.N.T. Macy [intimacy] isolated the problem,
- General TVT [Generativity] stagnated on the cost.
- In the end, they found the tires were just gritty [integrity] and they should have used de-spare! (despair)
Tempérament stable à quel âge
4 mois
9 traits de tempérament de Chess and Thomas
Nine Temperamental Traits (pneumonic: RA(4)TQID) ▪ Regularity, activity level, approach, adaptability, attention, threshold for sensitivity, quality of mood, intensity of emotional response, distractibility
35 year old male with intellectual disability (ID) who resides at a group home, needing some support with daily activities. What is the most likely severityof his ID?
A) Mild
B) Moderate
C) Severe
D) Profound
Cause la plus commune de DI secondaire à infection congénitale