ophtha-systemic ophtha, ocular injury, therapeutics Flashcards
Pseudomem type of conjunctivitis causative agent
Beta-hemolytic strep
Hordeolum/stye causative agent
Staph aureus
CONTRAINDICATION to intraocular surgery
Beta hemolytic strep
Endophthalmitis causative agent
Meningococcal neisseria
Ophthalmia neonatorum, purulent discharge in adult and nongranulomatous uveitis causative agent
GONOCOCCAL neisseria
Severe dehydration, sunken eyeball, bluish appearance of lids causative agent
Cholera vibrio
Contagious venereal disease which appears as vesicle or ulcer in the genitals. It has regional adenitis. May lead to parinauds ocular syndrome.
Lymphogranuloma venerum
Viruses producing petechiae hemorrhage may manifest with
Subconj hemo and ecchymoses
Viruses that attacks the nerves tend to produce
Optic neuritis and EOM palsies
Adenovirus type responsible for pharyngoconjunctival fever
Adenovirus 3,4,7
Adenovirus type responsible for epidemic conjunctivitis
Adenovirus type 8
Virus that produces self limited conjunctivitis. The danger occurs if it attacks pregnant women during her first trimester.
Produces vesicular Exenthema in eyelid, conj and cornea
Varicella -chicken pox
In primary lesion of hopes simplex , what is absolutely COntraindicated?
Treatment of choice for primary lesion of herpes simplex
Iododioxyuridine (IDU)
Importanct cause of corneal blindness in underdeveloped countries.
Rubeola (measles )
In acute stage of measles, there is non purulent type of conjunctivitis with red dots surrounding by white areas called
Koplic’s spot
Treatment for measles
The type of toxoplasmosis disease accom by CNS involvement including calcification.
Congenital type
First sign of Lupus erythematosus
Lid edema
Then hyperkeratosis, seborrhea
Finally atrophy of skin
Hypersensitivity reaction to drugs like salicylates and is charac by generalized maculopapular rash, severe stomatitis, ans purulent conjunctivitis
EM, Steven Johnson syndrome
Adult type of chronic inflam and degenerative changes in the joints. The findings of subcutaneous nodules are characteristic and may appear similar to miliary TB
Rheumatoid arthritis
Addison’s syndrome has no effect on vision.. Only hyper pigmentation of skin of lids, conj and uvea
The most significant ocular manifestation of graves disease
Endocrine exophthalmos is not affected by many medical therapy and appears after thyroid surgery
Treatment for endocrine exophthalmos
Orbital decompression
The early ocular changes due to diabetics are the results of
Osmotic changes
When blood sugar is highe, there is the tendency to be myopic/hyperopic
New formed blood vessels on retina
Rubeosis iridis
New formed blood vessels which later circle the macula
Retinitis circinata
New formed blood vessels that extends to vitreous, fibrous tissue appears
Retinitis proliferans
Produces pallor of conj, pale fundus and pale tortuous retinal blood vessels
The general color of fundus on polycythemia is
Dusky red or cyanotic
Daily requirement of vitamin A
5000 IU
Vitamin that keeps the itergrity of epithelium of skin and mucous membrane.
Vit A
Earliest sign of vit A deficiency
Bight blindness and prolonged dark adaptation
Chronic vit A deficient sign
Dry mucous mem and tear secretion stops
An early indication of vit A deficient is the formation go greasy yellowish plaque in temporal conjunctiva called
Bitot’s spot
Most frequent form of mechanical injury of the eye
Foreign bodies of the eye
The sign and symptoms are marked when the foreign body is on
Cornea because of rich nerve supply
First step in management of foreign body
Locating the foreign body
Foreign body in conj is removed by
Wiping it out with wet cotton pledget
Foreign body embedded in cornea is removed by
Spud or long hypodermic needle
In foreign body injury, the eye has to be patched for __ hrs to immobilize the lids so that the regeneration of epithelial defect will not be hindered by blinking
What is the effect of contusion in the eye if the eyelids are struck first
Ecchymoses or black eye
Sub conjunctival hemorrhage should be diff with the hemorrhage by skull fracture. Which has bright red in color and anteriorly located?
Subconjunctival hemorrhage
Sub conjunctival hemorrhage should be diff with the hemorrhage by skull fracture. Which has purplish in color and Posteriorly located?
Hemorrhage caused by skull fracture
In iris and ciliary body, the contusion results in
Contusion may cause deposition of pigment on the surface of anterior lens capsule appearing as a bron ring called
Vossius ring
In contusion in retina, a milky white area appears at the macula and around the optic disc called
Berlin’s edema
In management of contusion, hyphema is left alone
True. Unless glaucoma sets in
Drugs used in treatment of contusion which constricts the pupil thus opening the anterior chamber
Drugs used in treatment of contusion which dilates the pupil with aim of removing the pupillary block
Vitreous hemorrhage are removed by
Retinal hemorrhage are left alone
Lid wounds are repaired ASAP to avoid contraction of ms and necrosis of skin at wound edged
Vertical wounds should be sutured eve in they are small for they cause traction and notching of lid.
Horizontal wounds are repaired if they are >1mm.
Common source of chemical injuries in the eye
Insecticide and aerosol spray
Dilute/concentrated acids produces slight pain, conj congestion and edema of lids, conj and cornea.
Dilute acids
Dilute/concentrated acids produces coagulation necrosis
Concentrated acid
Management of chemical injuries
Helpful in preventive vascularization of cornea
The effects of radiation to eye parts according to their order of frequency
Lens Conj Cornea Uvea Retina Optic nerve
Drugs applied in conjunctival sac penetrate mainly thru the cornea by selective diffusion
Drugs having Low surface tension, high lipoid solubility ans rapid degree of electrolyte dissociation penetrate more.
Color identification of ophthalmic drugs: Antimicrobial Steroids Anesthetic Miotic Mydriatic
Antimicrobial-blue Steroids -white Anesthetic-yellow Miotic-green Mydriasis-red
Bam, yanes, ws, gremi, remy
Washing agents
Normal saline solution (0.9%)
Boric acid (2-4%)
Dyes are used to stain the breaks in the continuity of epith of cornea and conjunctiva.
Sodium fluorescein 2% - green
Rose Bengal 1%
Methylene blue 2-5%
Stimulation and blockage of cholinergic system
Stimulation - miosis and increase accom
Blockage - Mydriasis and cycloplegia
Stimulation and blockage of adrenergic system
Stimulation - Mydriasis
Blockage - miosis
Cholinergic system acts on parasympathetic nerve ending or destroys what enzyme?
Adrenergic system acts on sympathetic nerve ending or destroys what enzyme
Amine oxidase
It produces dilation of conj and uveal arterioles, miosis and increased permeability of blood aqueous barrier
Parasympathetic cholinergic drugs
Systemic effects of parasympathetic cholinergic drugs
Increase tone of GI and urinary ms
Para/sympa drugs only limited to glaucoma
Parasympathetic cholinergic drugs
Parasympathetic cholinergic drugs
Acetylcholine 1:1000
Metacholine 10-20%
Parasympathetic cholinergic drugs that dilates the retinal artery during CRAO
Parasympathetic cholinergic drug demonstration the hypersensitivity of the pupil to this drug in Adie’s syndrome
Parasympathetic cholinergic drug needed if there is pilocarpine tolerance
Parasympathetic cholinergic drug that is widely used for glaucoma. Produces incd permeability of trabecular mesh work and miosis.
Parasympathetic cholinergic drug used to treat accommodative esotropia
Anticholinesterase cholinergic drugs
Physostigmine Neostigmine Diisopropyl fluorophosphate (DFP) Alkyl-phosphate Demercarium bromide
Used to treat open angle and aphakic glaucoma
Anticholinesterase cholinergic drugs
Anticholinesterase cholinergic drug for myasthenia gravis that elevates the upper lid temporarily
Anti cholinergic or prasympatholytic drugs
Atropine Scopolamine Homatropine Eucatropine Cyclopentolate Tropicamide
Anti cholinergic or prasympatholytic drug used to treat post synechiae and cycloplegic refraction
Anti cholinergic or prasympatholytic drug substitute for atropine, has shorter duration
Anti cholinergic or prasympatholytic drug use to treat Mydriasis without cycloplegia
Anti cholinergic or prasympatholytic drug exclusively used to treat refraction
Sympatomimetic adrenergic drugs
Sympatomimetic adrenergic drug used to treat glaucoma in combi with pilocarpine
Sympatomimetic adrenergic drug of choice for pupillary dilatation
Use to neutralize histamine or inhibit effects of inflammation
can inhibit vascularization, decrease capillary permeability and prevent immunological reactions
Steroids should not be used for a long time
True. For they can suppress immunologic host response and may produce glaucoma
Used to treat corneal edema and bullous keratopathy
Dehydrating agents
Steroids are not given in cases of intraocular viral or fungal infection
Steroid of choice
Methyl prednisolone
Anti inflammatory drug that Inhibit action of fibrinolysin
Osmotic agents
Osmotic agent that is safe for diabetic pt
Utilized to lower the iOp in glaucoma tours eyes by decreasing the aqueous formation in ciliary body
Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors