ophtha-lacrimal app, conjunctiva Flashcards
Fundamental part of secretory system of lacrimal app
Basic secretors
Lacrimal app is responsible in formation of pre-corneal film which is formed by
Deep mucoid
Middle watery
Superficial oily
Basic secretors has no afferent nerve supply
3 basic secretors
Mucin secretors
Lacrimal secretors
Oil secretors
3 mucin secretors
Conjunctival goblet cells
Crypts of Henle
Gland of Manz
Depression between follicles in upper .1/3 of upper palpebral conj and lower 1/3 of lower palpebral conj
Crypts of Henle
3 lacrimal secretors
Microscopic acinotubular gland of Krause (40-50 in upper; 6-8 in lower)
Wolfring gland (3 in upper tarsus; 1 in lower tarsus)
Occasional gland in plica semilunaris or caruncle
3 oil secretors
Meibomian gland (25 in upper tarsus; 20 in lower)
Gland of zeiss - at palpebral margin of each eyelid
Gland of molls - at roots of eyelashes
Reflex secretors
Main lacrimal gland in upper temporal portion of orbit
Adjacent accessory palpebral gland
Reflex afferent pathway
Reflex efferent pathway for sympa
Always involved primarily on true hypersecretion
Reflex secretors
Lacrimal passages
Lacrimal puncta
Canaliculi - upper and lower empties in lateral wall of sac
Lacrimal sac
Lacrimonasal duct
The internal common puncta may be preceded by dilation
Sinus of maier
Fibers of OO which surrounding the lacrimal sac
Horner’s ms
Fold of mucosa which guards the ostium
Hasner’s valve
Tears enter the lacrimal sac partly by..
Capillary attraction and suction
Drainage of tears is assisted by
Pars marginalis of OO or ciliary bundle of riolan
Onward transmission of tears down the duct is due to
Forces of gravity and pumping of sac caused by elastic recoil of its wall after act of blinking
Negative/positive pressure exists in lacrimal sac when one blinks
Negative pressure
Tear secretion
- 2% water
0. 8% solid
Excessive tearing
Epiphora is due to
Hyper secretion - due to emotional influence, local irritants in eyes, nose
Drainage interference - due to displacement of lower puncta, obstruction of lower puncta, Canaliculi, sac or duct
Obstruction of upper puncta does not cause epiphora
Test for patent drainage
Dropping of saccharine or chloramphenicol soln on conj cul-de-sac. If pt experience bitter taste after 5-15min, passage is open
Dryness of eye does not occur even if lacrimal glands are removed.
True. As long as basic secretors are normal
Only this secretors are present during sleep.
Basic secretors
Clinical condi with dryness of eye
Sjögren’s syndrome (keratoconjunctivitis sicca)
Steven-Johnson syndrome - erythema multiforme
Riley-day syndrome
Test to determine adequate lacrimal secretion
“Schirmer’s filter paper test”
A filter paper (5x35mm) bent around 5mm at one end and is anchored by hanging over the lower eyelid margin covering the lower puncta. After 5 min, 10mm should be wet.
Infection of lacrimal g due to pyogenic organisms which may lead to Suppuration
Dacryo-adenitis may occur as complication of..
Mumps, measles, influenza, thyroid fever
Bilateral enlargement of lacrimal gland with chronic inflammatory lesion of uveal tract that occurs in asso with bilateral inflammatory swelling with facial palsy (heerfordt’s syndrome)
Non developmental of conj from surface ectoderm. Gland appears as congenital cystic mass which extends posterior to orbital apex.
Most common neoplasm of lacrimal gland
Mixed tumor
Lymphomatous tumor of lacrimal, parotid and submaxillary gland
Mikulic’s disease
Fungus infection of Canaliculi
Streptothrix infection in upper canaliculus with dilatation of canaliculus with purulent discharge that oozes from puncta
Inflammation of lacrimal sac
Dacryocystitis in infant is due to
Incomplete canalizations of lower part of lacrimal duct and/or
Differentiation of valve of hasner in inferior meatal area of nose
Chronic primary dacryocystitis is caused by
Hereditary form in chronic primary dacryocystitis is common
Chronic primary Dacryocystitis is common in male
In chronic primary dacryocystitis, infection may spread into tissues around the lacrimal sac
Can arise from chronic dacryocystitis if infection extends beyond the limits of sac and give rise to abscess.
Acute primary dacryocystitis
Due to disease or injury in the neighborhood of lacrimal sac and duct producing interference of tear passage
Secondary dacryocystitis
If secondary dacryocystitis is duet to trauma of duct, as in fracture, what is the management?
If secondary dacryocystitis is due to infection of adjacent bone, what is the management?
Excision of inflamed sac
Lower puncta comes forward and away from marginal strip of tear fluid and epiphora results
EVersion of lower puncta
Eversion of lower puncta is due to
Senile laxity of lids
Chronic blepharitis
Palpebral and bulbar conjunctiva is separated by
Mucous gland is found on epithelium of..
Bulbar and tarsal portion of palpebral conj
Only superficial tissue of body where blood vessels can be seen
Bld supply of conjunctiva
Palpebral branch of nasal and lacrimal artery at lids
Anterior ciliary artery at limbus
Venous drainage of conjunctiva
Drains thru post tarsal venous plexuses of eyelid
Conjunctiva has no lymph nodes
Yes. But have lymph vessels.
Lymphatic drainage of conjunctiva
Lateral: pre-auricular or superficial parotid lymph node
Medial: submaxillary lymph node
Innervation of conjunctiva
Sensory - nasociliary, lacrimal, frontal, infraorbital, ciliary nerve
Sympa- ophthalmic a.
Single clue signifying pathology of conj
Foreign body sensation
Other symptoms of conjunctival pathology
Conjunctival injection Lacrimation or discharge Formation of papilla or follicle Hemorrhage Ulceration Growth
Dilatation of superficial conjunctival blood vessels.
Conjunctival injection
Dilatation of deeper ciliary blood vessels near the limbus.
Ciliary injection
Vascular reaction charac by neoformation of blood vessels at the center surrounded by lymphoid infiltration
Lymphatic reaction with neoformation of lymphoid tissue with peripheral vascularization
Bacterial growth can be prevented by
Low temp
Antibacterial action of lysozyme in tears
Mechanical effect of blinking
Production of antibiotics by some bacteria present in conj
Flushing action of Tear flow
Bacteria that predominates in conj pathology
Bacteria that increase in debilitated persons
Pseudomonas aeroginosa
Enterobacter sp
Bacteria that increase in cadaver
Beta hemolytic strep E.coli Klebsiella pneumonia Pseudomonas aeroginosa Flavo bacterium
Mucoid discharge is produced by
Moxarella-axenfeld diplobacillus
Mucoid discharge is common in (canthus)
Lateral canthus (thus called angular conjunctivitis)
Purulent discharge in conjunctiva is produced by
Neisseria gonorrhea
In addition to purulent discharge, may produce membranous material
Strep conjunctivitis
Mucopurulent discharge
Hemophilus aegyptius h. Influenza Staph aureus p. Aeroginosa E. Coli Proteus mabilis
Most common org producing mucopurulent discharge
Hemophilus aegyptius
3 organisms producing ophthalmia neonatorum
Chlamydia oculogenitalia
Staph aureus
Neisseria gonorrheae
Viral conjunctivitis caused by adenopharyngoconjunctival virus (APC8)
Epidemic conjunctivitis
Viral conjunctivitis caused by coxsackie 24 or EV70
Acute hemorrhage conjunctivitis
Viral conjunctivitis that produces pseudo-membrane in lower and upper palpebral conj
Epidemic conjunctivitis
Viral conjunctivitis accompanied by marked febrile symptoms
Pharyngoconjunctival fever
Viral conjunctivitis that has conjunctival hemorrhage in upper bulBar conjunctiva
Acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis
Viral conjunctivitis is self limiting for how many weeks
Reduces intensity of symptoms and duration of condition by enhancing the immune response even if after onset
Oral Methisoprinol
Other virus that cause viral conjunctivitis
Exenthematous virus (.small pox, chicken pox, measles, German measles)
Herpes virus
Myxovirus (mumps, influenza and new castle disease)
Chlamydia conjunctivitis
Inclusion blenorrhea
Trachoma is caused by what organism
Chlamydia trachoma
Filipino are known to be immune in trachoma and are affected that ends with what stage?
Follicular stage
4 stages of trachoma (mcCallan)
- Formation of follicles
- Presence of papillary hypertrophy and transformation of follicles into “sago grain” struc
- Beginning of scarring
- Period of cicatricization when all inflammatory activity end
Trachoma is common in palpebral/bulbar conj
Palpebral conj
Inclusion blenorrhea is caused by
Chlamydia oculogenitalia
Acquired from venereal contact and swimming in nonchlorinated pool
Inclusion blenorrhea
Discharge of blenorrhea
Mucopurulent discharge
Inclusion blenorrhea is common in palpebral/bulbar conj
Lower palpebral conj
Allergic conjunctivitis most produce ____ and this cells are found in discharge
Most produce chemosis
Eosinophils found in discharge
A keratoconjunctivitis but only can affect bulbar conj
Phlyctenular conjunctivitis
Localized whitish nodule with necrotic excavated center surrounded by conj infection
Phlyctenular conjunctivitis
Phlyctenular conjunctivitis has immunologic reaction to
Conjunctivitis commonly found on malnourished children and pulmonary TB
Phlyctenular conjunctivitis
Recurrent condi affecting upper palpebral conj of both eyes during summer
Vernal conjunctivitis
Discharge of Vernal conjunctivitis
Thick syrupy discharge
Has big papillae arranged on cobblestone appearance
Vernal conjunctivitis
Acute conjunctivitis with marked chemosis ans watery discharge on exposure to certain grasses, plants and trees
Atopic conjunctivitis
Triangular yellowish mass at bulbar conjunctiva with base towards the limbus. Aggravated by exposure to wind, dust, and sun.
Pinguecula: bulbar/palpebral?
Bulbar conj
Fleshy mass in bulbar conj that invades the cornea at horizontal meridian
Pterygium: bulbar/palpebral conj?
Bulbar conj
Conjunctival growth covering the corneal marginal ulcer. Can grow from any direction besides nasal and temporal region.
Pigmented elevated tumor located at bulbar conj
Nevi: bulbar/palpebral conj
Bulbar conj
Flat diffused conjunctival pigmentation that occurs after age of 40. Sometimes asymptomatic