microbio - Protozoa Flashcards
When exposed to new environments (such as temperature changes, transit down the intestinal tract, or chemical agents), the protozoa can secrete a protective coat and shrink into a round armored form, called
Protozoa ingests solid pieces of food thru a small mouth called
Trophozoite and cyst, which is infective?
Following ingestion cyst converts back into the motile form, called the…
Buffalo-skin or Dyak skin ulcers
Entamoeba hystolitica
Swiss cheese appearance on degeneration
Entamoeba hystolitica
Flask-shaped ulcer
Entamoeba hystolitica
Positive ingested Rbc
Entamoeba hystolitica
Infective stage of entamoeba hystolitica to man
Intestinal Protozoa that causes bloody diarrhea
Entamoeba hystolitica
Causes dysentery, amoebic colitis and liver abscess (anchovy paste)
Entamoeba hystolitica
Treatment for acute amebic colitis (by Entamoeba hystolitica)
Campers frequently develop this protozoan infection after drinking from clear untreated mountain stream
Giardia lamblia
Motility of gardia lamblia
Falling leaf motility
Falling leaf motility
Gardia lamblia
Diagnostic test for giardia lamblia
String test
Most common site of gardia lamblia infection.
Upper part of small intestine
Has axonemes
Giardia lamblia
Villous atrophy - malabsorption
Lactose intolerance
Giardia lamblia
Giardia lamblia infection often manifests malodorous stool packed with fats.
Since giardia lamblia does NOT invade the intestinal walls, there is NO blood in the stool
Strawberry cervix
Trichomonas vaginalis
T or F: males can have trichomoniasis
True. Usually asymptomatic
Flagellated trophozoite
Giardia lamblia
Trichomonas vaginalis
Flagellated protozoan
Trichomonas vaginalis
Treatment for trichomoniasis
Culture for trichomonas
Modified thioglycolate medium
Causes tartar teeth
Trichomonas tenax
Trichomonas that is commensal
Trichomonas tenax
Free living meningitis-causing amoeba that lives in freshwater and moist soil.
Naegleria fowleri
Rapidly progressing meningoencephalitis in immunocompetent persons
Naegleria fowleri
Slow granulomatous infection and Meningitis in immunocompromised persons
Culture for acanthamoeba
Culbertson’s medium
Swimming in freshwater
Naegleria fowleri
Parasites found more commonly in AIDS
Pneumocystis jiroveci (MC)
Toxoplasma gondi
Obligate intracellular parasite (Protozoa)
Toxoplasma gondii
Transmission of toxoplasma Gondi
Ingestion of infected raw meats or food contaminated with cat feces
Infective stage of toxoplasma gondii
Toxoplasma is one of the transplacentally acquired TORCHES organisms that can cross bpb. Pregnant women should avoid cats.
Just a note
Causes paraventricular calcification and encephalomyelitis
Toxoplasma gondii
Treatment for toxoplasma gondii infection
Pyrimethamine + trisulfapyrimidine
Stain of pneumocystis jiroveci
Silver stain
Fungal infection (previously protozoa) common in AIDS
Pneumocystis jiroveci
Treatment for pneumocystis jiroveci
Most common site of cryptosporidiosis
Acid fast oocysts
Cryptosporidium parvum
Cryptosporidium parvum, when ingested as a round oocyst contains ___sporozoites
4 sporozoites
Malaria is a febrile disease caused by 4 different Protozoa:
Plasmodium vivax
Plasmodium falciparum
Plasmodium ovale
Plasmodium malariae
Infective stage of plasmodium in man
Infective stage of plasmodium in mosquito
Vector of malaria
Anopheles mosquito
Malaria life cycle
- Pe-erythrocytic cycle - from anopheles, sporozoites is injected to human bloodstream to liver. SPOROZOITE becomes TROPOZOITE, then undergoes nuclear division forming SCHIZONTS then cytoplasmic membrane division forming MEROZOITE resulting to liver cell bursting.
- Exo-erythrocytic cycle - reinfects liver and repeat cycle
- Erythrocytic cycle - enters Rbc (instead of liver cells)
Plasmodium grows in (liver,Rbc) while reproduce in (liver,Rbc)
Plasmodium grows in liver while reproduce in RBC
Incubation period of plasmodium
2-4 weeks
Plasmodium merozoite invades only reticulocyte
P.vivax and ovale
Benign tertian malaria
P. vivax (and ovale)
Vivax and ovale burst loose every..
48 hrs (tertian malaria)
Quotidian fever
Merozoite invades all ages of RBC
P. Falciparum
Aestivoautumnal, malignant tertian or sub tertian malaria
Bursts loose irregularly
Algid malaria
Sausage- shaped gametocyte
Quartan malaria
P.malaria bursts loose every
72 hrs (quartan malaria)
Ziemann’s stipling
Plasmodium merozoite invades senescent RBC
P.vivax and ovale has a dormant form called
Hypnozoite can only be found in what species of plasmodium
P.vivax and ovale
Treatment for malaria
Chloroquine (vivax, ovale, malariae)
Primaquine (vivax, ovale)
Mefloquine (chloroquine-resistant)
Vector of babesia sp.
Ixodes sp.
Trophozoite of this organism asexually bud and divide into 4 merozoites that stick together, forming a cross or x-shaped TETRAD ( MALTESE CROSS)
Babesia sp.
TETRAD of babesia sp,
Maltese cross
Blood-borne flagellates
Vector of leishmania donovani
Phlebotomus sandfly
Infective stage of leishmania donovani in man
Promastigote (flagellated motile form)
Clinical form of leishmaniasis caused by L.donovani.
Visceral leishmaniasis
Manifestation in visceral leishmaniasis
Massive Splenomegaly
Kala-agar (black sickness)
Leishmania donovani
Dum dum fever
Leishmania donovani
Diagnostic test for leishmania
Montenegro skin test
Vector of trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense
Tse tse fly
East African sleeping sickness
Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense
Winter button sign (posterior lymphadenopathy)
Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense
Positive kerandel’s sign (excruciating pain after minor soft-tissue injury, e.g. in palms and ulnar region.)
Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense
Hemoflagellate ( lives in the bld stream)
kinetoplast (mass of mito DNA lying close to the nucleus)
Undulating membrane
Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense
Trypanosoma cruzi
American trypanosoma
Trypanosoma cruzi
Chagas disease
Trypanosoma cruzi
Vector of trypanosoma cruzi
Panstrongylus megistus / reduviid bug / kissing bug
Manifestation on acute chagas disease
Chagoma - erythematous induration area
Manifestation in chronic chagas disease
Mega esophagus and mega colon
Chagasic cardiopathy
Infective stage of trypanosoma cruzi in man
Metacyclic trypomastigote
Diagnostic test of chagas disease
Machado-Guerreiro Test
Positive Romanas sign (edema lower eyelid with conjunctivitis
Positive intracellular amastigote stage
Trypanosoma cruzi
This sensitive diagnostic test is conducted where 40 lab-grown reduviid bugs are allowed to feed on the patient, and 1 month later the bug’s intestinal contents are examined for the parasite.
Treatment for chagas disease
Nitrofurfurylidine derivative - nifurtimox
Glycogen vacuoles
Iodomoeba butschlii
Shepherds crook
Chliomastix mesnili
The only ciliated protozoan that causes human disease - diarrhea
Balantidium coli
Balantidium coli causes
The largest pathogenic Protozoa found in the intestine
Balantidium coli
Treatment for Balantidium coli infection
Commonly infects recto-sigmoid large intestine
Common site of infection in amebiasis
Recto-sigmoid large intestine
Blood mucoid stools
(+) tenesmus : Painful spasm of the anal sphincter along with an urgent desire to defecate without the significant production of feces
Culture for amoeba
Boeck and Drbohlav’s Locke-Egg serum medium
Diagnostic test for entamoeba and trichomonas
Diamond medium
Diagnostic test for cryptosporidium
Sheather’s sugar flotation
Diagnostic test for cyclospora
Diagnostic test for microsporidium
Ryan’s trichrome blue stain