Neurons Flashcards
Neurons are
cells that transmit nerve impulses from one part of the body to another.”
cells that transmit nerve impulses from one part of the body to another.”
Although neourons differ structural from one another they have common features
The nucleus and the procceses extending from the cell body
All neurons have three characteristic structural features
Cell body, a receptive portion and transmitting portion
Multiple branching processes called dendrites extend from the soma
A thin single axon also extends the soma
Neurons function
Dendrites receive impulses (signals) from another neuron or cell.
The cell body (soma) processes and integrates this information.
The processed signal is then sent to the axon.
The axon carries the outgoing signal to the next neuron or target cell.
Signals from other neurons arrive at the synapse, where the axon terminals of one neuron meet the dendrites of another
Each neuron has a single axon
“Every neuron has one axon, which arises from the cell body at a region called the axon hillock. Axons can branch, forming collaterals, and at their ends, they can further divide into thousands of axon terminals.”