neural 3; CVA and seizure Flashcards
status epilepticus
seizures follow one another with no recovery of consc
unprovoked seizures =
warning stroke
within 24 hours patient is fully recovered
warning stroke
within 24 hours patient is fully recovered
aneurysmal subarchnoid
blood goes into interstitial space, wasting o2
MRI scan needed to see if its by thrombosis or rupture
often fatal
hemorrhagic stroke
petit mal seizures =
absence seizures
begin in one hemi
spread to other hemi
secondarily generalized seizures
transient ischemic attack
cardiogenic embolic ischemic stroke
clot began in heart
clot moves after tx
heart procedures increase this risk
transient means
comes and goes
transient ischemic attack =
atonic seizures
sudden loss of muscle strength
generalized seizure
both hemi are involved
loss of consc
secondary seizures =
absence seizures
disturbances in consc
seems like daydreaming
no muscle movement
myoclonic seizure
sudden muscle jerking
provoked seizures =
80% of all strokes
clot blocks vessel in brain
ischemic stroke
seizures follow one another with no recovery of consc
status epilepticus
partial seizure
begin in one hemi
lasting 90 sec
aggressive limb movement
single clot in brain artery
most common
thrombotic ischemic stroke
manifestations (sx) of stroke (CVA)
sudden stumbling unilateral speech difficulty lasting paralysis lasting disfunction
medication that dissolves blood clots
not used for hemorrhagic strokes
meaning comes and goes
primary seizures =
lucunar infarct in brain stem
small vessel ischemic stroke
small vessel ischemic stroke
lacunar infarct in brain stem
sudden stumbling unilateral speech difficulty lasting paralysis lasting disfunction
manifestations (sx) of stroke (CVA)
small vessel
cardiogenic embolic
types of ischemic strokes
generalized convulsive status epilepticus =
status epilepticus
small localized area of dead tissue from lack of blood supply
cerebrovascular accident =
absence seizures =
petit mal seizures
Types of ischemic strokes include
small vessel
cardiogenic embolic
begin in one hemi
lasting 90 sec
aggressive limb movement
partial seizure
hemorrhagic stroke
aneurysmal subarachnoid
blood goes into intersitial space wasting o2
MRI scan needed to see if its by thrombosis or rupture
often fatal
secondarily generalized seizures
begin in one hemi
spread to other hemi
sudden loss of muscle strength
atonic seizures
cerebrovascular accident
small localized area of dead tissue from lack of blood supply
both hemi are involved
loss of consc
generalized seizures
ischemic stroke
80% of all strokes
clot blocks vessel in brain
sudden muscle jerking
myoclonic seizure
thrombotic ischemic stroke
single clot in brain artery
most common
medication that dissolves blood clots
not used for hemorrhagic strokes
clot began in heart
clot moves after tx
heart procedures increase this risk
cardiogenic embolic ischemic stroke