Muscular System Flashcards
What are muscles made of?
Fibrous tissues that contract when stimulated by messages from the nervous system
Muscles constitute 40-50% of the body’s weight.
What is myology?
The study of the structure, function, and diseases of the muscles
Myology encompasses various aspects of muscle health and performance.
What is the muscular system?
An organ system that includes all the muscle tissue in the body and is responsible for body movement
The muscular system plays a crucial role in overall bodily functions.
What is cardiac muscle?
The only muscle of its type that functions involuntarily
Example: Heart beating without a person’s intentional desire.
What defines voluntary or striated muscle?
Muscles that create movements based on intentional desire
Example: Raising an arm.
What is involuntary or non-striated muscle?
Muscles that respond automatically to control various body functions
Example: Increased breathing effort in a stressful situation.
What are the parts of a muscle?
- Origin
- Belly
- Insertion
Massage movements are generally performed from insertion attachment to origin attachment.
What is the origin of a muscle?
Portion of the muscle that is nonmoving (fixed)
The origin serves as the anchor point for muscle contractions.
What is the belly of a muscle?
The midsection of the muscle
The belly is where the muscle bulk is located.
What is the insertion of a muscle?
Portion of muscle joined to movable attachments such as bones
The insertion is crucial for muscle movement and function.
What are tendons?
Bands of fibrous tissue that attach muscle to bone
Tendons play a key role in transmitting force from muscles to bones.
What are ligaments?
Dense, strong bands of fibrous tissue that connect bones to each other
Ligaments provide stability to joints.
What are the functions of muscles?
- Body movement
- Involvement in functions of other body systems
- Support the skeleton
- Contouring of the body
- Thermoregulation
Muscles are essential for respiration, circulation, digestion, and reproduction.
Body movement function description
Voluntary contractions of skeletal muscle tissue; allows for movement of limbs and extremities
Involvement in functions of other body systems description
Muscles are required for basic functions - respiration, circulation, digestion, and reproduction
Support the skeleton description
The connection of bones through ligaments, muscles, and other connective tissues
Contouring of the body description
The way bones are connected and muscles are developed, give shape to the body
Thermoregulation description
Low body temp causes shivering, which creates an exothermic reaction in the muscles to make heat
What does ‘anterior’ mean?
‘Anterior’ means in front of.
What does ‘ventral’ refer to?
‘Ventral’ refers to the front surface.
What does ‘posterior’ mean?
‘Posterior’ means behind or in back of.
What does ‘dorsal’ refer to?
‘Dorsal’ refers to the back surface.
What does ‘superior’ mean?
‘Superior’ means located above or larger.
What does ‘inferior’ mean?
‘Inferior’ means located below or smaller.
What does ‘levator’ refer to?
‘Levator’ means lifts up.
What does ‘inversion’ mean?
‘Inversion’ means to bring inward.
What does ‘eversion’ mean?
‘Eversion’ means to bring outward.
What does ‘proximal’ mean?
‘Proximal’ means nearest to.
What does ‘depressor’ refer to?
‘Depressor’ means draws down or depresses.
What does ‘dilator’ mean?
‘Dilator’ means opens, enlarges or expands.
What does ‘flexion’ mean?
‘Flexion’ means to bend forward and make the angle smaller.
What does ‘distal’ refer to?
‘Distal’ means furthest away.
What does ‘extension’ mean?
‘Extension’ means to straighten or bend backward, making the angle bigger.
What does ‘medial’ mean?
‘Medial’ means toward the midline of the body.
What does ‘lateral’ refer to?
‘Lateral’ means toward the outer side of the body.
What is ‘pronation’ of the foot?
‘Pronation’ of the foot is the natural movement during walking and running where weight shifts to the outside of the foot and then back to the big toe.
What is ‘pronation’ of the hand?
‘Pronation’ of the hand is turning the hand from palm-up to palm-down.
What is ‘supination’ of the foot?
‘Supination’ of the foot is the rolling movement to the outside edge of the foot during a step; provides leverage to help roll off the toes.
What is ‘supination’ of the hand?
‘Supination’ of the hand is turning the hand from palm-down to palm-up.
What does ‘abduction’ mean?
‘Abduction’ means movement of the limbs away from the midline of the body or to move the fingers or toes away from each other.
What does ‘adduction’ refer to?
‘Adduction’ means movement of the limbs or hands toward or across the midline of the body or to bring the fingers or toes together.
What is the epicranium?
The ‘epicranium’ consists of all structures above the cranium, including muscle, skin, and aponeuroses.
What is the occipito frontalis?
‘Occipito frontalis’ or ‘epicranius’ covers the top of the skull; it is a broad muscle formed by two muscles joined by the aponeuroses tendon.
What is the function of the frontalis muscle?
The ‘frontalis’ extends from the forehead to the top of the skull; it raises the eyebrows or draws the scalp forward.
Where is the occipitalis muscle located?
The ‘occipitalis’ is located at the nape of the neck; it draws the scalp back.
What is the visible part of the ear called?
What muscle is located in front of the ear?
Auricularis Anterior
Which muscle is located above the ear?
Auricularis Superior
What muscle is found behind the ear?
Auricular Posterior
Name the four muscles inside the nose.
- Nasalis
- Dilator naris posterior
- Dilator naris anterior
- Depressor septi
What is the function of the muscles controlling the nose?
Control contraction and expansion of nostrils
Which muscle is located between the brows and controls brows drawing them in and downward?
What muscle is above the eyelids and raises the eyelid?
Levator Palpebrae Superioris
What is the function of the Orbicularis Oculi and where is it located?
Closes eyelid
Circles eye socket
What muscle is located between the brows and draws them down and wrinkles area in between brows and upper part of the nose?
What is the function of the Nasalis muscle and where is it found?
Opens nostrils and wrinkles bridge of nose
Across bridge of nose
Which muscle circles the mouth and puckers the lips? (Kissing or whistling)
Obicularis oris
What is another name for Quadratus Labii Superiors?
Levator Labii Superioris
What muscles are located above the upper lip and raises both nostrils and upper lip? (Expressing distaste)
Quadratus Labii Superiors
What muscle pulls the lower lip down or to the side? (Expressing doubt)
Quadratus Labii Inferioris
What muscle is located at the tip of the chin and pushes the lower lip up? (Expressing doubt)
Which muscle draws the mouth up and out? (Grinning)
What is another name for Caninus muscle?
Levator Anguli Oris
What muscle draws the corners of the mouth down? (Expressing sadness)
What muscles draw the mouth up and back, often associated with laughing?
Zygomaticus major and minor
What muscle compresses the cheek to release air outward? (Blowing)
Which muscle is located above the corners of the mouth and raises the angle of mouth? (Snarling)
Mastication (chewing) muscles control
Opening and closing of jaw; enables us to chew and talk
Temporalis location and function
Above and in front of the ear
Opening and closing jaw (chewing)
Masseter location and function
Covers hinge of jaw
Aids in closing the jaw (chewing)
Pterygoid muscles function and location
Help open and close the mouth; brings jaw forward or backward
Located in upper part of cheek and temporalis
What is the location and function of the Platysma muscle?
Extends from tip of chin to shoulders and chest
Draws lower lip and corner of mouth sideways and down, partially opening the mouth
This can indicate surprise or fright.
Where does the Sternocleidomastoid muscle extend from and what movements does it facilitate?
Extends along the side of the neck from ear to collarbone
Causes head to move side to side and up and down
Commonly associated with nodding yes or no.
What shape is the Trapezius muscle, where is it located, and what are its primary functions?
Flat, triangular
Covers upper and back part of neck and shoulders
Aids in drawing head back and elevating shoulder blades
Where is the Latissimus Dorsi muscle located, what is its shape, and what is its primary function?
Covers lumbar (lower back) and lower half of thoracic region
Flat, triangular
involved in swinging arms
What is the primary function of the Pectoralis Major and Minor muscle?
Assists in swinging arms
It extends across the front of the chest.
Which muscle is located under the arm and aids in lifting the arm and breathing?
Serratus Anterior
What shape is the Deltoid muscle, where is it located, and what is its function?
Covers shoulder
lifts arm or turns it
Which muscle is the primary muscle in the front of the upper arm; raises forearm; bends elbow and turns palm of hand down?
What is the function of the Triceps muscle?
Controls forward movement of forearm
What is the function of the Thenar Eminence? (Where is it found)
Controls movement of the thumb
It is a group of 3 muscles found in the palm at the base of the thumb.
Where is the Hypothenar Eminence located and what does it control?
At the side of the palm, at the base of the little finger
controls its motion
What is the function of the Brachialis muscle? (Where is it located)
Flexes forearm at elbow joint
Located in upper arm; It lies underneath the biceps muscle.
What does the Brachioradialis muscle do and where is it located?
Flexes the forearm
Located between upper arm and forearm
Where is the pronator teres located and what is its function?
Located on palm side of forearm before elbow
Rotates forearm palm-down
What is the role of the Palmaris Longus muscle and where is it located?
Flexes wrist
It lies between the flexor carpi ulnaris and flexor carpi radialis.
What does the Flexor Digitorum Profundus muscle do and where is it located?
Flexes fingers
It is located on the side of the forearm.
What is the function of the Extensor Digitorum muscle and where is it located?
Extends the fingers
It extends from elbow to carpals on the back of the forearm.
Where is the flexor carpi ulnaris located and what is its function?
Located above ulna bone
flexes and moves wrist inward
What is the function of the Flexor Carpi Radialis muscle and where is it located?
Flexes and moves wrist outward
It is located above the radius bone.
Where is the Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus muscle located and what is its function?
Located in the middle of the forearm
extends and abducts wrist
Leg muscles assist in
Body movement, balance, and support
Intrinsic muscles def
Within foot; responsible for motor movement (moving toes)
Extrinsic muscles def
Originate outside of foot; responsible for movement (flexing foot)
Where is the Tibialis anterior located and what is the function?
Covers front of shin
bends foot upward + inward
Where is the gastrocnemius located and what is its function?
Back of leg attached to lower rear surface of heel
pulls foot down
What is the origin and function of the soleus?
Originates in upper portion of fibula from just below knee to heel
bends foot down
Which muscle originates in the upper 2/3 of the outer fibula and what does it do?
Peroneus Longus
bends foot + ankle down and out
What is the origin of the peroneus brevis and its function?
Originates in lower third of fibula
bends foot down + out
What is the role of the flexor digitorum longus and where is it?
Curls 2nd, 3rd, 4th, + 5th toes
Muscle on inside of the back of lower leg
What does the extensor digitorum longus do and where is it located?
Bends foot up + extends toes
Located outside of lower leg
What is the Achilles tendon, where is it located, and what is its function?
Largest tendon in body
at back of leg; joins muscles in back of leg
attaches to bone of heel
What is the function of the flexor digiti minimi brevis and where is it located?
Flexes joint of small toe
Along base of small toe
Where is the flexor digitorum brevis located and what is its function?
Across ball of foot beneath the toes
flexes toes
What does the abductor hallucis do and where is it located?
Moves big toe away from other toes
Along interior border of foot
What is the role of the abductor digiti minimi and where is it located?
Moves smallest toe away from other toes
Along outside border of foot; connects to the heel