Lesson 9 = Reading 2 < Phrases Flashcards
Ubytovanie môže byt velmi lacné
Accommodation can be very cheap
V oblasti okolo Prahy
In the area around Prague
Vltava preteká cez hlavne mesto
The Vltava flows through the capital city
Praha je situovaná v centre Európy
Prague is situated in Central Europe
Karlov most
The Charles Bridge
S malým mestským šarmom
But with small town charm
Mame veľa kontaktov
We have lots of contacts
Krajina je nádherná
The country is beautiful
Rozhodol som sa vas informovať
I have decided to inform you
Najvyššie hory sú na severe a východe
The highest mountains are in the north and east
Neviem kde presne to je
I don’t know exactly where it is
Praha bude fajn
Prague will be fine
Veľa hor, kopcov a riek
Lot of mountains, hills and rivers
Praha je klenot
Prague is a jewel
Praha znie ako úžasne miesto
Prague sounds like a wonderful place