Lesson 11 = Reading 1 < Phrases + Grammar Flashcards
Vlastne, Mal som na mysli jej psa
Actually, I meant her dog
Rozhodne ju pozvem
I am going to invite her anyway
Sedia spolu
They are sitting together
Pri ich kuchynskom stole
At their kitchen table
Mimochodom, neprídem
By The way, I’m not coming
V tom prípade, nie
In that case, no
Ona určite zbúra cely hotel
She’ll certainly destroy the whole hotel
Paula by nikdy nezbúrala hotel
Paula would never destroy a hotel
Nemôžme to dokončiť
We can’t finish this
Musíme ich pozvať
We have to invite them
Najväčšia svadba v histórii
The biggest wedding in the history
A co jej manžel?
What about her husband?
Napíšem pozvánku sám
I’ll write the invitation myself
Nepozvali nas
They didn’t invite us
Dufam ze vtipkujes
I hope you are joking
Potom ja odchádzam
Them I’ll leave
Majú zoznam ľudí
They have a list of people
Zbláznila si sa?
Are you mad?
Oni niesu zosobášený
They are not married
Bude mat päťdesiat tento mesiac
He will be fifty this month