Lesson 11 = Reading 1 < Phrases + Grammar Flashcards
Vlastne, Mal som na mysli jej psa
Actually, I meant her dog
Rozhodne ju pozvem
I am going to invite her anyway
Sedia spolu
They are sitting together
Pri ich kuchynskom stole
At their kitchen table
Mimochodom, neprídem
By The way, I’m not coming
V tom prípade, nie
In that case, no
Ona určite zbúra cely hotel
She’ll certainly destroy the whole hotel
Paula by nikdy nezbúrala hotel
Paula would never destroy a hotel
Nemôžme to dokončiť
We can’t finish this
Musíme ich pozvať
We have to invite them
Najväčšia svadba v histórii
The biggest wedding in the history
A co jej manžel?
What about her husband?
Napíšem pozvánku sám
I’ll write the invitation myself
Nepozvali nas
They didn’t invite us
Dufam ze vtipkujes
I hope you are joking
Potom ja odchádzam
Them I’ll leave
Majú zoznam ľudí
They have a list of people
Zbláznila si sa?
Are you mad?
Oni niesu zosobášený
They are not married
Bude mat päťdesiat tento mesiac
He will be fifty this month
Pošlem ich zajtra
I will post them tomorrow
Začni písať pozvánky
You start writing the invitations
Nevie kedy prestať hovoriť
He doesn’t know when to stop talking
Urobím to zajtra
I am going to do it tomorrow
Dnes večer budem sledovať televíziu
I am going to watch TV tonight
Bude pršať
It’s going to rain
Pozri sa na oblohu
Look at the sky
Nebudeme sledovať televíziu
We are not going to watch TV
Napíše to?
Is she going to write it?
Co bude robiť?
What is she going to do?
Pôjdem do kina
I am going to the cinema
Pôjdu autom
They are going by car
Urobím to
I will do it
Uvidis to
You will see it
Bude to o piatej
She will be here at 5
Zavriem okno
I will close the window
Oni prídu k nám
They will come to us
Zajtra bude slnečno
It will be sunny tomorrow
Sľubujem, že prídem na cas
I promise, I will come in time
Budeme vas žalovať
We will sue you
{ sju: }
Odnesiem ti to
I will carry it for you
Neurobí tu skúšku
She won’t pass the exam
Bude tu
She will be her
Bude tu?
Will she be here?
Pomôžeš mi prosím?
Will you help me, please?
Odídem, ak on pride
I will leave if he comes
Keď ho ona opustí, on umrie
If she leaves him, he will die
Ked ju uvidim, poviem jej o tom
If I see her, I will tell her about it
Ked ju stretneš, dáš jej to?
If you meet her, will you give it to her?
Ked nebude sneh, nepôjdeme sa lyžovať.
If there isn’t any snow, we won’t go skiing
Urobím to, ak ma on požiada
I will do it if he asks me
Ak ma ( o to ) požiadala, urobím to
If she asks me, I will do it