Lesson 12 = Reading 2 < Phrases Flashcards
Vlny narážali oproti skalam
The waves crash against the rocks
Cestou minuli mnoho starých domov
They passed many old houses along the way
Ist na akékoľvek miesto na svete
To go any place in the world
cestovať kdekoľvek by si chcela?
to travel anywhere you wanted?
súčasne, v ten istý cas
at the same time
Kráčajú po pláži
They walk along the beach
Na chvilu pred odpoveďou
Just before the answer
Keby slnko nebolo take žiarivé
If the sun wasn’t so bright
Chcem vyliezť na mólo
I want to climb up onto the pier
Linda vidí mólo v diaľke
Linda sees a pier in the distance
Dvojzložková izba s výhľadom na more
Double room with a view of the sea
S vyvesenymi nohami
With legs hanging out
More je sivé
The sea is grey
Smerovali na pláž
They have headed for the beach
Kam by si cestoval, keby si mal šancu cestovať?
Where would you travel to, if you had the chance to travel?
Keby som ja mal šancu ist na akékoľvek miesto vo svete
If I had the chance to go to any place in the world
Oni sa ubytovali v hoteli
They have checked into the hotel
Ja by som cestovala na ostrovy kde nieje ziandy život
I’d travel to islands where no one lives
Dali ich kľúč recepcnemu
They have given their key to the receptionist
Romantická prechádzka s Paddym po dlhom čase
Romantic walk with Paddy for a long time
Ist cez most
Go over the bridge
Uvažujem nad otázkou
I ponder the question
Vyzerá sklamaný
He looks puzzled
Vyzuli si ich boty
They took off their shoes
Recepčny dal im…
The receptionist has given them…
Prechádzka v piesku
A walk in the Sand
Ja by som mohla vidieť nejake lode
I could see some ships
Co by si robila keby si videla loď?
What would you do if you saw a ship?
Prišli na koniec mola a sadli si
They came to the end of the pier and sat down
Malá dvojzložková izba s výhľadom na more
A small double room with a view of the sea
Rozprávali o všetko a o ničom zároveň
They talking about everything and nothing at the same time
Snaží sa vyliezť ale nemoze
She tries to climb up but can’t
Všetkých ľudí ktorý cestovali na lodi
All the people who have traveled a ship
Ja by som myslela na
I would thing about
Vyrazili na pláž
They set out on the beach
Ľudia ako ja a ty
People just like me and you
Keby som mala dosť peňazí, cestovala by som na ostrovy
If I had enough money, I would travel to islands
Cez okraj útesu
Over the edge of a cliff
Bol som v rozpakoch
I was embarrassed
{ em bærest }
Dostali sa na pláž
They got to the beach
Na všetkých miestach kde loď bola
In all places where the ship was