Lesson 8 = Reading 1 < Phrases Flashcards
Čoskoro sa priblížili
Soon they were approaching
Priblížiť sa k autobusovej stanici
Approaching the bus station
Ako išli dolu ulicou
As they were walking down the street
Ako vstúpili do čajovne
As they were entering the tearoom
Čašník ich stretol pri dverách
The waiter met them at the door
Hrušky velmi lacno
The pears very cheaply
Kontrolovať cestovný poriadok a kupovať lístky
Checking the timetables and buying tickets
Paddy a Linda sa neustále usmievali
Paddy and Linda were constantly smiling
Paddy pokračoval v rozprávaní
Paddy continued speaking
Išli okolo rohu
They walked past the corner
Usmievajú sa navzájom
They are smiling at each other
Futbal na ulici
Football in the street
Niekoľko detí hralo futbal
A few children were playing football
Veľa ľudí sedelo na ich záhradkách
Many people were sitting in their gardens
Kde zeleninár predával hrušky
Where the greengrocer was selling pears
Isiel ruke v ruke
He walked hand in hand
Uvedomil som si ako dôležitá si pre mna
I realised how important you are to me
Iny ich ignorovali
Other were ignoring them
Nádherne meno skutočne
A lovely name indeed
Všimli si veľa zaujímavých veci
They noticed many interesting things
Potom ich uviedol
He then led them
Nejaky pasažieri v autobuse
Some passengers on a bus
Prišli nájsť miesto
They came to find the place
Mohlo by to byt perfektne miesto
It would be the perfect place
Blízko zadnej časti čajovne
Near the rear of the tearoom
Zeleninar predával hrušky
The greengrocer was selling pears
sledovať nádherný jarný deň
Watching the wonderful spring day
Uprene hľadela na nich
She was starting at them
Linda uprene hľadela do jeho oči
Linda was staring into his eyes
Ale bol stále tam
But was still there
Bola zrazu opäť šťastná
She was suddenly happy again
On hovoril pravdu…ked…
He was selling the truth
Jeho nové meno bolo jednorožec
Its new name was the Unicorn
Čašník ich stretol pri dverách
The waiter met them at the door
Zatiaľ co som šiel domov z krčmy
While I was walking home from the pub
Bol to veterný den v Coventry
It was a windy day in Coventry
Ked mladý muž menom
When a young man named
Vtáky spievali
The birds were singing
Kúpili dve
They bought two
Bolo tam veľa ľudí
There were a lot of people going in
Oni nešli na bus kupovať lístky
They didn’t come to the bus station to buying tickets
Kde sa zamilovali
Where they fell in love
Začať znova
To start again
Fungovalo to
It was working
Iny ich ignorovali
Other were ignoring them
Našli cajovnu
They found the tearoom
Čajovňa mala nové meno
The tearoom It had a new name
Sadli si
They sat down
Uprene hľadela do jeho oči
She was staring into his eyes
Mal stále prsteň?
Did He still have the ring?
Paddy šiel ruka v ruke so svojou láskou
Paddy walked hand in hand with his love
Všímali si možnostvo zaujímavých veci
They noticed many interesting things
Čoskoro sa priblížili k stanici
Soon they were approaching the bus station
Neustále sa na seba usmievali
They were constantly smiling at each other
Niektorý cestujúci v autobuse na nich civeli
Some passengers on a bus were staring at them
Mohlo by to byt skvele miesto pre nový začiatok
It would be a perfect place to start again
Potom ich uviedol k romatickemu stolu
He then led them to a romantic table