Lesson 4 = Reading 2 < Phrases Flashcards
Na stene nad odpadkovom košom
On the wall above the dustbin
Je tam šatník pozdĺž každej steny
There is a wardrobe along each wall
Sú tam tiez taniere
There are also plates
Sú tam dve kreslá
There are two armchairs
Je tam veľká vaňa so sprchovym závesom
There is a big bath with a shower curtain
Je tam vysoká posteľ s veľa vankúšmi a prikrývkami
There is a huge bed with lots of pillows and blankets
Za práčkou
Behind the washing machine
Rovno pod oknom
Just below the window
Mat nedostatok
Be out of
Vankúše a prikrývky
Pillows and blankets
Su tam mise, vidličky, lyžice a nože v drezi
There are bowls, forks, spoons and knives in the sink
Kalendár je na stene
There is a calendar on the wall
Vitajte na mojom zámku
Welcome to my Castle
Je tam stôl zo štyrmi stoličkami
There is a table with four chairs
Je tam vešiak v rohu
There is a coat rack in the corner
Tam je konferenčný stolík na koberci
There is a coffee table on a rug
Je tam veľká pohodlná pohovka vedľa steny
There is a big comfortable sofa next to the wall
Chladnička a sporák sú vedľa okna
The fridge and cooker are next to the window