Lesson 14 = Grammar Flashcards
Az pride, ona odíde
After he comes, she will leave
Skor ako to kúpia, poriadne si to prezru
Before they buy it, they will look at it well
Napíšem ten list, ked prídem domov
I will write the letter when I come home
Ked prídem domov, zavolám ti
Whem I come back, I will call you
Az ked prídem domov
When, I get home
Potom co som isiel spat
After I went to bed
Skor ako pôjdeš
Before you go
Dokiaľ som tu
As long as I am here
Pracujeme az do druhej ráno
We work until 2 a.m
Len co som odišiel z domu
As soon as I left home
Zatiaľ co som bol doma
While I was home
V čase, ked
By the time
Nabudúce sa budem snažiť viac
Next time, I will try harder
Budem tu stať, pokial to neprinesie
I will stand here until he brings it
Želám si mat viac peňazí
I wish I had more money
Kiežby to vedel
If only he knew it
Kiežby to nepočula
I wish she didn’t hear it
Kiežby som bol mladší
I wish I were younger
Ona sa na neho podoba
She takes after him
Lietadlo vzlietlo pred hodinou
The plane took off an hour ago
Oblec si sveter
Put on your sweater
Telefón mi nefunguje
My phone be down
Byt v móde, byt doma
Be in
Musím odísť
I have to be off
Nech je po všetkom
Be over
Zrútilo sa to
Break down it
Vlámať sa do domu
Break in to the house
Vypukla vojna
War broke out
Rozišli sme sa
We broke up
Vychovala ma babka
I was brought up by his grandma
Náhodu som narazil na priateľa
I came across a friend
Prišiel som ta navštíviť
I came round to visit you
Dozvedel som sa to
I found out about it
Vystacim si celkom dobre
I am getting by quite well
Dostať sa na letisko
Get down to the airport
Dostal som sa z toho dobre
I got off a good
Nastúpiť na vlak
Get on the train
Dostať sa domov
Get round to the home
Spoznal som pekne dievča
I get to know a nice girl
Musím sa toho vzdat
I have to give up off it
Vzdať sa snov
Give up dreams
Vzdat sa slobodného života
Giving up the singles life
Odísť z domu
Go away from home
Mohol by som pokračovať v písaní
I could go on writing
Venujem sa plávaniu
I go in for swimming
Musíš sa starať sám o seba
You have to look after yourself
Tešíme sa na stretnutie s tebou
We look forward to seeing you
Dávať pozor
Look out
Povedal to bez toho aby sa pozrel
He said it without looking up
Rad tvorím nové veci
I like make up a new thing
Odložil som veci na miesto
I put aside the things to place
Operátor nas nemohol spojiť
The operator couldn’t put through us
Chcel by som sa ubytovať?
I would like put up
Odprevadil som ju k domu
I walked her to the house
Dozriem na to
I will see to it
Vydáme sa na cestu
We will set out
Podobám sa svojho otca
I take after my father
Rád presadzujem svoj názor
I like take off for my opinion
Pravdepodobne prijmem to miesto
I will probably take up the place
Zrútil som sa psychicky
I broke down psychologically
{ saikę lodžikęli }
Mame sa dobre
We are doing well
Vychádzali sme spolu dobre
We got on well together
Vzdat sa slobodného života
To give up free life
Stará sa o dve deti
She looks after two kids
Teším sa až ťa uvidím
I am looking forward to seeing you
Už sa rozhodol?
Has he made his decision yet?
{ di sižęn }
Prepojím vás
I will put you through
Vyrazíme skoro ráno
We will set out early in the morning
Chvilu sme sa rozprávali
We talked for a while