Lesson 10 = Reading 2 < Phrases Flashcards
Bolia ma kĺby a hlava
My joints and my head hurt
Boo som uz na ceste
I was on my way
Koli nej to urobím
I will do it for her
Začal som sa obávať
I started to worry
Držal som si brucho
I was holding my stomach
Kontrolujem si svoje dýchanie
Checking my breathing
do popoludnia
by that afternoon
Skontroloval som jej pulz
I checked her pulse
Ako určit diagnózu?
How to diagnose?
{ daig nęuz }
Mal som hnačku
I had diarrhoea
{ daię rięa }
v budúcnosti
in the future
Musel som niekoľko krát vstať
I had to get up several times
Stonal som
I was moaning
{ męun ing }
Had to
Bol o trochu vyšší než normál
It was a little higher than normal
Bol chorý
He was ill
Idem na toaletu
I am going to the bathroom
Máte nejake lieky na zastavenie hnačky?
Do you have any drugs to stop diarrhoea?
Ked niekto potrebuje
When somebody needs
Nebola schopná spat celu noc
She wasn’t able to sleep all night
Ona nieje zdravotná sestra
She isn’t a nurse
On je dobry priateľ jej otca
He is a good friend of her father
Nejake tabletky na bolesť
Some pills for the pain
Zvyčajne nenavštevuje pacientov doma
He usually doesn’t visit patients at home
Ona telefónovala
She phoned
Mal som nepokojnú noc
I had a restless night
{ restlis }
Potriasť rukov
Shake hand
Skontroloval som jeho teplotu
I checked his temperature
Obaja poďakovali doktorovi ze ich navštívil
Both thanked the doctor for visiting them
Otočil som sa za ňou
I turned to her
Necítil sa dobre
He didn’t feel well
The last time
Musel som vstať z postele
I had to get out of bed
Nemohol som koli nej spat
I couldn’t sleep because of her
Dal som mu niekoľko otázok
I asked him a few questions
Citim sa strašne
I feel horrible
Máte teplotu 38 stupňov
You have a fever 38 degrees
Nebudem musieť zostať v posteli
I won’t have to stay in bed
Musím zariaďit svadbu
I have a wedding to arrange
{ e reindž }
Mali by ste v pondelok ostat doma
You should stay home on Monday
Nechoďte do práce
Don’t go to work
To je vynikajúce
That’s great
Musím ist na verejnú toaletu
I have to go the public restroom