Lesson 15 = Reading 2 < Phrases Flashcards
Sám na tanečnom parkete
Alone on the dance flor
Vytvoriť kruh okoli nich
Form a circle around them
Kapela bola zariadená
A band was arranged
{ a reindžd }
Chystajú sa
They are about to
Chystajú sa nastúpiť do auta
They are about to get into the car
Pozeral na ňu čudne
He looks at her strangely
Oslava bola vyzdobená včera
The party was decorated yesterday
Oslava bola vyzdobená - now
The party has been decorated
Vynorili sa z kostola
They emerged from the church
{ i mr:dž }
Vložil obálku do jeho ruky
He puts an envelope into his hand
Nevyzeral nadšene
He didn’t look too excited about
Nastúpiť do auta
Get into the car
Pridali sa k nim pred hodinou
They joined them an hour ago
Pridali sa k nim - now
They have joined them
By nikdy nedopustili
They would never let
Zoradili sa pred kostolom - now
They have lined up in front the church
Aky pekný zvyk
What a fine manner
O polnoci je cas ist
At midnight it’s time to go
Krátko pred polnocou
Shortly before midnight
Ústa plne ryže
A mouth full of rice
Dve letenky do Canady
Two plane tickets to Canada
Okamžite som isiel
I went promptly
Koč ťahaný koňom
A carriage pulled by a horse
Niekoľko obyvateľov
A few residents
Ponáhľali sa spolu
They rush together
Atmosféra je veľkolepá
The atmosphere is splendid
Bude ďalšia
She will the next
Uviedli ich
They are ushered
{ asê(r)}
Hádzali ryžu na nich
They were throwing rice at them
{ frowin(g) }
Poznám slobodne priateľky
I know sngle friends
Chytiť nevesty kyticu
To catch the bride’s bouquet
Prepravený na oslavu
To be transported to the celebrate
Jeden z jeho priateľov
One of his friends
Staršia decká foto
Old baby photo
Vstúpili do haly
They entered the hall
Začali hrať pieseň
They begin to play song
Hovoriť individuálne
To talk individually
Sú tam ľudí z celej Európy
There are people from all Europe
Neskor večer
Later in the evening
Po niekoľkých prípitkoch
After several toasts
Predniesť prípitok
Propose a toast
Slávnostný prípitok
Celebratory drink
{ selebrę tori }
Išli von k autu
They went outside to a car
Vysvetľuje im
He explains them