Lesson 4 = Reading 1 < Phrases Flashcards
Zasa neskoro?
Late again?
Je takmer šesť
It’s almost six
Mal byt v praci
He should be at work
Tento klobúk náhodou zakrýva moju plešinu
This hat happens to cover my bald spot
Sedím na brehu rieky
I am sitting on the bank of the river
Tieto bikiny
This bikini
Zrazu si všimne čo jeho šéf ma na sebe
Suddenly he notices what his boss is wearing
Ma na sebe svetle ružové bikiny
She is wearing a bright pink bikini
Na predných dverách
At the front door
On sníva
He is dreaming
Všetko je možné v snoch
Everything is possible in dreams
Je v rozpakoch
He is embarrassed
Úsmev na jeho tvári
Smile on his face
S peknými kvetmi
With the nice flowers
Čoskoro bude cas, aby Paddy vstal
Soon it’s time for Paddy to get up
Je to darček od priateľky?
Is it a gift from a girlfriend?
Tieto okuliare sú darček od mojej priateľky
These glasses are a gift from my girlfriend
Tamten klobúk
That hat
Mat piknik
Having a picnic
To je velmi zaujímavé
It’s very interesting
Prečo sa mi smejete?
Why are you laughing at me?
Miluje ta velmi veľa
She loves you very much
Všímam si ludí okolo mňa
I notice people around me
Šoférovať do kancelárie
Drive to the office
Všetko je možné
Everything is possible
Odrazu si spomenie
Suddenly he remembers
Prečo máte na sebe tamtie hlúpe okuliare?
Why are you wearing those silly sunglasses?
Stojí v praci ( teraz )
He is standing at work
A tamtie pánske plavky?
And those swimming trunks?
Moje plavky
My swimsuit
Tamta kniha
That book
Tieto okuliare sú darček
Theses glasses are a gift
Je pondelok ráno a ja sa zobúdzam s úsmevom na tvári
It’s Monday morning and I wake up with smile on my face
Sníva sa mu o velmi pekných veciach
He is dreaming about very nice things
Stretne sa so šéfom pri predných dverách
His boss meets him at the front door
Toto je moja sestra
This is my sister
Tamto je jej pes
That is her dog
Tieto auta sú červene
These cars are red
Tamtie auta sú čierne
Those cars are black
Som študent
I am a student
Pracuje v kancelárii
He works in a office
Toto je škola
This is a school
Ma brata
She has a brother
Je to chlapec
He is a boy
Je to dobry chlapec
He is a good boy
Je to dievča
She is a girl
Je to stará dáma
She is an old lady
Poznám jedného chlapca
I know a boy
Vola sa Paddy
His name is Paddy
Ten chlapec je z Anglicka
The boy is from England
Toto je moj dom
This is my house
Je tvoja mačka hnedá?
Is your cat brown?
V mojej izbe je stôl
There is a table in my room
V kuchyni sú tri stoličky
There are there chairs in the kitchen
V triede je chlapec
There is a boy in the classroom
Ten chlapec je v triede
The boy is in the classroom