Lesson 10 = Reading 1 < Phrases Flashcards
V skutočnosti
As matter of fact
As a matter of fact
Prichádza moj šéf
Here comes my boss
Je to oslava ich zasnúbenia
It’s a celebration of their engagement
Spadol som zo stoličky
I fell off a chair
Iba zopar ľudí sa rozhodlo ist domov
Only a few guests decided to go home
Čašníčka obsluhovala hostí
The waitress served guests
Okamžite som zaspal
I immediately felt asleep
Začal som sa cítiť trocha zvláštne
I started feeling a little weird
{ więd }
Myslím ze mam horúčku
I think I have a fever
Jej čelo bolo horúce
Her forehead was hot
{ fo:hed }
Povedali niekoľko smiešnych vtipov
They told many funny jokes
Priatelia sa zhromažďujú v reštaurácií
Friends are gathering at the restaurant
Budú sa sobášiť
They are getting married
Prichádza riaditeľ firmy
Here comes the director off the company
Iba zopar ľudí sa rozhodlo ist domov
Only a few guests decided to go home
Plánovanie obrovskej párty pre nich
Planning a huge party for them
Reštaurácia sa špecializuje na Indické jedlo
The restaurant specializes in Indian food
Majú radi Indické jedlo
They like Indian food
Oni tiez povedali veľa vtipov
They also told many funny jokes
Všetci hostia sa smiali
All the guests laughed
V miestnej reštaurácií
At a local restaurant
Tamto je Steve
There’s Steve over there
Isli do krčmy
They went to the pub
Položila ho do postele
She put him to bed
Čašníčka obsluhovala hostí
The waitress to serve the guests
Pripravovali reč
They prepared speeches
Jedlo je veľmi dobre ale velmi korenené
The food is very good but very spicy
{ spaisi }
Boli ma žalúdok
I have a stomach-ache
{ st(a)męk eik }
Začal som sa cítiť zvláštne
I started to feel a strange
Priatelia urobili všetko
Friends did everything
Všetci boli stále smädný
They were all still thirsty
Jeho čelo bolo teple
His forehead felt warm
Možno pretože on je vdovec
Maybe because he is a widower
Ta reštaurácia sa špecializuje na Indickú kuchyňu
The restaurant specializes in Indian food
Jedlo je velmi dobre ale velmi korenené
The food is very good but very spicy
aby sa den vydaril
to make the day come
Este bolo skoro
It was still early
Paddy sa začal cítiť zvláštne
Paddy started to feel a little strange
Je sobota popoludní
It’s Saturday afternoon
Je mi divne
I feel weird
Mali najatú čašníčku
They hired a waitress
Any bol den úspešný
To make the day a success
V skutočnosti to milujem
I actually love it