Lesson 12 = Grammar Flashcards
Počul som to
I have heard it
Povedala to
She has said it
They have understood
Nepočul som to
I have not heard it
Nepovedala to
She has not said it
They haven’t come
He hasn’t arrived
Priniesla to
She has brought it
Priniesla to?
Has she brought it?
Tom si zlomil ruku
ma ju zlomenú
Tom has broken his arm
Tom si minuly týžden zlomil ruku
Tom broke his arm last week
Poznám ju dva roky
I have known her for 2 years
Ma tu mačku mesiac
She has had the cat for a month
Poznám ju
I know her
Dnes som napísal dva listy
I have written two letters today
Uz si niekdy bol v Anglicku?
Have you ever been to England?
Uz to dokončila?
Has she already finished it?
Bola minuly rok v Paríži?
Was she in Paris last year?
Bola uz niekedy v Paríži?
Has she ever been to Paris?
Este som to nikdy nevidel
I have never seen it
Doposiaľ jej o tom nepovedali
They haven’t told her about it yet
Ako dlho ju poznáš?
How long have you known her?
Ako dlho ma auto?
How long has he had his car?
Poznáš ju?
Do you know her?
Áno, poznám ju dlho
Yes, I have known her for ages
Navštívil som 15 krajín
I have visited 15 countries
Mala troch manželov
She has had three husbands
Uz to urobila
She has already done it
Uz si to niekedy videl?
Have you ever seen it?
Prave odišli
They have just left
Videl si ho v poslednom čase?
Have you seen him lately?
Vedia o tom uz týžden
They have known it for a week
Toho psa ma od narodenia
She has had the dog since she was born
Ako dlho tu je?
How long has she been here?
Urobil by som to, ak by si ma o to požiadal
I would do it if he asked me
Keby si mi pomohol, mohla by som tam vyliezť
If you helped me, I could climb up
Keby som to vedel, nepýtal by som sa
If I knew it, I wouldn’t ask
Keby som mal dosť peňazí, cestoval by som na ostrovy
If I had enough money, I would travel to island
Keby som bol tebou, urobil by som to
If I were you, I would do it
Keby si ma požiadal, urobil by som to
I you asked me, I would do it
Urobil by som to, keby si ma o to požiadal
I would do it if you asked me
Išla by tam, keby nepršalo
She would go there unless it was raining
She would go there if it didn’t rain
Neprišiel by, keby ho nepozvali
He wouldn’t come unless they invited him
He wouldn’t come if they didn’t invite him
Ak bude pekne počasie, pôjdem tam
If the weather is nice, I will go there
Keby bolo pekne počasie, šiel by som tam
If the weather was nice, I would go there
Si dosť stary na to, aby si to vedel
You are old enough to know that
Je dosť múdry
He is clever enough
Beží dosť rýchlo na to, aby vyhrala
She runs fast enough to win
Nemam dosť peňazí, aby som si to kúpil
I don’t have enough money to buy it
Máš dosť času, aby si to dokončil?
Do you have enough time to finish it?