Lesson 12 = Reading 1 < Phrases Flashcards
Je vystrašena
She’s scared
Konecne súhlasil
He finally agrees
Každou ulicou a ulickou
Every street and alley
pozdĺž riek a potokov
along rivers and streams
Cesta ide okolo hor a cez údolie
The route around mountains and through valleys
Potom co oni pricestovali
After they arrived
ako svadobný dar
as a wedding present
pretože on nemá tak veľa skúsenosti
because he hasn’t got so much experience
rezervovať izbu na noc
A book a room for the night
Krajina je dych berúca
The scenery is breathtaking
Je to tehlova stavba
It’s a brick building
Ona zatvorila oči niekoľko krát počas jazdy
She has closed her eyes several times during the journey
Stavba s nie príliš veľa vyzdobami
The building with not much decoration
Chcela sa spýtať niekoho na smer
She wants to ask someone for directions
Spýtať sa okoloidúceho na smery
To ask a passerby for directions
…Paddy odhalil…
…Paddy has discovered…
Rozhodli sa šoférovať do Swansea
They have decided to drive to Swansea
Nieje taký dobry šofér
He isn’t such a good driver
Niekoľko krát počas jazdy
Several times during the journey
Stará dáma je velmi ochotná
The old lady is very helpful
Hlavna cesta cez Welšsky vidiek
The highway through the Welsh countryside
Stará dáma drží plastikovu tašku
The old lady holding a plastic bag
Veľký napis vysiaci pred
A big sing hanging in front
Ist cez železničnú križovatku
Go through the junction
Cesta ide okolo hor a cez údolia
The route around mountains and through valleys
Nevšimli si to
They haven’t noticed it
V aute ktoré Lindy rodicia im dali
In a car that Linda’s parents gave them
Oni pravdepodnne šoférovali okolo hotela
They have probably driven past the hotel
Ak budete dávať pozor, neminiete to
If you pay attention, you won’t miss it
Ukazala do lava
She points to the left
Hotel je svojrázna stavba
The is a quaint building
Linda guľa očami
Linda rolls her eyes
Sú spokojný s jej odpoveďou
They are satisfied with her answer
Potom choďte stále rovno
Then you drive straight on
Pozdĺž riek a potokov
Along rivers and streams
Ideme na západ slnka
We are going to sunset
Vidiek ma veľa zákrut a zákrut
The countryside has many winds and turns
Choďte tamtou ulicou
Take that street over there
Choďte treťou ulicou doľava
Take the third street on the left
Mysli si ze on môže nájsť cestu
He thinks he can find the way
Vysvetľovala im
She explains to them
Vyzerá dosť veľký pre svadbu
It looks big enough for the wedding
…uvidia ako im sa to páči ráno
…see how they like it in the morning
Šoférovali okolo hotela
hovorena minulosť
They were driving around Hotel