Lesson 7 = Reading 2 < Phrases Flashcards
Začať uplne odznova
Start all over again
Takmer som stratil vedomie
I almost lost fainted
Po jednej hodine stanica oznamila
After one hour the station announced
Staničný hlásatel povedal
The station announcer said
Autobus by mohol príst o tri hodiny neskor
The bus would arrive three hours late
Paddy nešiel priamo domov
Paddy didn´t go home straight away
Jeho srdce bilo rýchlejšie
His heart beat faster
Sadli si na jednu z mnohých lavičiek
They sat on one of the many benches
Zmeniť sa k lepšiemu
Change for the better
Mal som prestup v Londýne
I had a transfer in London
Bol velmi nervózny
He was very nervous
Nabrať dosť odvahy
Get enough courage
{ karidž }
Autobus bude meškať
The bus was delayed
Linda pila jej čaj bez mlieka
Linda drank her tea without milk
Each other
Civeli na seba navzájom celé popoludnie
They stared at each other the whole afternoon
{ sterd }
Odprevadil som ju spat na autobusovú stanicu
I escorted her back to the bus station
Očakával ze Linda bude preč
He expected Linda to be gone
Okamžite som sa do nej zamiloval
I fell in love with her immediately
Všetko sa pokazilo pre neho
Everything went wrong for him
Paddy dostal nápad
Paddy had an idea
Dobry nápad, povedala
Good idea, she said
V cas na jej autobus
In time for her bus
Prave ako Paddy
Just like Paddy
Vedela co Paddy zamýšľa
She knew what Paddy meant
Paddy zobral jej ruku
Paddy took her hand