Lesson 7 = Reading 2 < Phrases Flashcards
Začať uplne odznova
Start all over again
Takmer som stratil vedomie
I almost lost fainted
Po jednej hodine stanica oznamila
After one hour the station announced
Staničný hlásatel povedal
The station announcer said
Autobus by mohol príst o tri hodiny neskor
The bus would arrive three hours late
Paddy nešiel priamo domov
Paddy didn´t go home straight away
Jeho srdce bilo rýchlejšie
His heart beat faster
Sadli si na jednu z mnohých lavičiek
They sat on one of the many benches
Zmeniť sa k lepšiemu
Change for the better
Mal som prestup v Londýne
I had a transfer in London
Bol velmi nervózny
He was very nervous
Nabrať dosť odvahy
Get enough courage
{ karidž }
Autobus bude meškať
The bus was delayed
Linda pila jej čaj bez mlieka
Linda drank her tea without milk
Each other
Civeli na seba navzájom celé popoludnie
They stared at each other the whole afternoon
{ sterd }
Odprevadil som ju spat na autobusovú stanicu
I escorted her back to the bus station
Očakával ze Linda bude preč
He expected Linda to be gone
Okamžite som sa do nej zamiloval
I fell in love with her immediately
Všetko sa pokazilo pre neho
Everything went wrong for him
Paddy dostal nápad
Paddy had an idea
Dobry nápad, povedala
Good idea, she said
V cas na jej autobus
In time for her bus
Prave ako Paddy
Just like Paddy
Vedela co Paddy zamýšľa
She knew what Paddy meant
Paddy zobral jej ruku
Paddy took her hand
Viedol ju do parku
He led her to the park
Rozprávali sa o ich snoch a životoch
They talked about some of their dreams and their lives
Však, nevyzerala šťastne
However, she didn’t look happy
Stretli sa v parku
They met in a park
Miesto kde sa prvý krát stretli
The place where they first met
Paddy a Linde to nevadilo
Paddy and Linda didn’t mind
Lindy nálada sa zmenila zo smutnej na šťastnú
Linda’s mood changed from sad to happy
Išli do najbližšej čajovne
They walked to a nearby tearoom
Prešiel okolo miesta kde sa prvý krát stretli
He passed the place where they first met
Navrhol Linde
He suggested to Linda
Jej ruka sa ma dotkla
Her hand touched me
Cestovala z Manchester do Londýna
She was traveling from Manchester to London
Kúpil pekný prsteň
He brought a nice ring
Pre jeho dievča
For his girl
Potom ho pustil do jedla
Then he dropped it in some food
Potom prišla Betty
Then Betty came
Prechádzal sa niekoľko ulíc
He walked the many streets
Myslel na Lidnu
He thought about Linda
Mali veľa pekných chvíľ spolu
They had a lot of nice time together
Povedala áno
She said yes
Cítil motýľov v bruchu
He felt butterflies in his belly
Mali niekoľko salok čaju
They had a few hot cups
Po dvoch hodinách
After two hours
Boli štastný
They were happy
Paddy prišiel domov
Paddy arrived at home
Otvoril dvere
He opened the door
Linda bola stále tam
Linda was still there
Všetko sa pokazilo
Everything went wrong
Cestovala z Manchestru
She was traveling from Manchester
Musela prestupovať
She had to change buses
Mal trému
I was so nervous
Krútila sa mu hlava
His head spun round and round
Poďme na stanicu
Let’s go the bus station
Potom môžme začať uplne odznova
Then we can start all over again
Pán čašník, v mojom jedle je prsteň
Mr waiter, there is a ring in my food
Viem, ja som ho tam dal
I know, I put it there
Prečo ste to urobili?
Why did you do that?
Bola to nehoda
It was an accident
Mam priniesť nejake obrúsky?
Shall I bring some napkins?
Buďte taký láskavý
Please be so kind
Prosím, nehovorte tak nahlas
Please, don’t speak so loudly