Lesson 14 = Reading 1 < Phrases Flashcards
Pred dvomi týždňami
Two weeks ago
Bol najatý pred dvomi dňami
He was hired two days ago
Ked kľakne u oltára v kostole
When he kneels at the altar in the church
Bolo to ťažké niekedy
It’s was difficult at times
Svadba sa bude konať v…
The wedding will be held
Auto prenajaté ma cestu
A car has been hired for the journey
Kúpené dávno pred
It bought long before…
Posledný týžden ako slobodný muž začal
Last week as a single man has begun
Cesta medzi kostolom a hostincom
The journey between the church and the inn
Svadba bude požehnaná ním
The wedding will be blessed by him
Obaja sú trocha nervózny
They are both a little nervous
On ma motýľov v bruchu
He has butterflies in his stomach
Bol som velmi opatrný
I have been very careful
Kon a koč boli prenajaté
A horse and and carriage has been hired
Saty boli kúpené
A dress has been bought
Hoci to trvalo kým som ich zaplatil
Even though it took a while to pay for them
Jeden týžden od dnes budem ženatý muž
One week from today I will be a married man
Ako svadobný dar samozrejme
As a wedding gift, of course
Bude to velmi veselé
It will be hilarious
Kiež by som mal peniaze na
If only I had money for
Uz som investoval nejake peniaze
I have already invested some money
Mal som nízky plat
I had a low salary
Napriek tomu sa bude svadba konať
Nonetheless, the wedding will be held
Je to len týžden
It only a week
Pozvánky poslane
Invitation has been sent
Rezervácie na ubytovanie urobene
Reservations for an accommodation have been made
Jedlo objednané
Food has been ordered
Namaľované na podrážke boty
It has been painted on the soles
Porozprávam sa snim osobne
I will talk to him in person
Majú v pláne kanadský žartík
They are planning a practical joke
Budem vyzerať skutočne elegantne
I will look really smart
Mam zopar oblekov
I have a couple suits
Mali šancu hovoriť hovoriť s farárom
They had the chance to speak with Vicar
Do ich svadby ostáva uz iba týžden
It is only a week until their wedding