Lesson 6 = Gramar + Dialogue Flashcards
Kupujem jej nejake kvety
I am buying her some flowers
Máte nejake deti?
Do you have any children?
Nemam žiadnych priateľov.
I don’t have any friends.
I have no friends.
Hovori s niekym.
He is speaking with somebody.
Vies o tom nieco?
Do you know anything about it?
Je to niekde v aute.
It is somewhere in the car.
Blízko obchodu je pošta.
There is a post office near the shop.
Na stole sú ( nejake ) jablka
There are some apples on the table.
Blízko obchodu nie je ( žiadna ) pošta
There isn’t a post office near the shop.
Na stole nie sú ( žiadne ) jablka
There aren’t any apples on the table.
Blízko obchodu nie je ( žiadna ) pošta
There is no post office near the shop.
Na stole nie sú ( žiadne ) jablka
There are no apples on the table.
Je blízko obchodu ( nejaka ) pošta?
Is there a post office near the shop?
Sú na stole ( nejake ) jablka?
Are there any apples on the table?
Tento muž je mladý a tamten muž je starý.
This man is young and that man is old.
Tento muž je mladý a tamten starý.
This man is young and that one is old.
Máš rad vysoké dievčatá alebo nízke dievčatá?
Do you like tall girls or short girls?
Máš rad vysoké dievčatá alebo nízke?
Do you like tall girls or short ones?
Nikdy nechodí do kina. ( ona )
She never goes to the cinema.
Často sledujeme televíziu.
We often watch TV.
Vždy prichádzam neskoro.
I am always late.
Obvykle je štastný.
He is usually happy.
Niekedy nic nehovorí.
Sometimes he doesn’t say anything.