Lesson 7 = Grammar Flashcards
Pracoval som
I worked
Pomohla mi
She helped me
Umyli sa mydlom
They washed with soap
Mam rad zmrzlinu
I like ice cream
Zastavil si sa
You stopped
Dal som prednosť
I preferred
Neštudoval som na vysokej škole
I didn’t study in college
Hral som hokejbal
I played ground hockey
Minuly týžden som to nevidel
I didn’t see it last week
V pondelok nepracovali
They didn’t work on Monday
Včera v noci som nespal dobre
I didn’t sleep well last night
Nepýtali sme sa
We didn’t ask
Videli sme ten film včera
We saw the film yesterday
Nevideli sme ten film včera
We didn’t see the film yesterday
Pracoval si?
Did you work?
Urobila to?
Did she do it?
Prišli včas?
Did they come in time?
Počul to včera?
Did he hear it yesterday?
Prečo si to povedal?
Why did you say that?
Kde to videla?
Where did she see it?
Co priniesli?
What did they bring?
Chodil do školy v Anglicku.
He went to school in England
Chodil do školy v Anglicku?
Did he go to school in England?
Pracoval si v Paríži? Áno pracoval.
Did you work in Paris? Yes I did