Lesson 14 = Reading 2 < Phrases Flashcards
Pustil som sa zavolať ti opäť
I set out to call you again
Skutočne oceňujem
I really appreciate
Dostan to co najskôr
Get it as soon as possible
Problém s telefónov linkou, nefungovala
Problem with the telephone line, being down
Stali sme sa rodičmi pred šiestimi mesiacmi
We became parents six months ago
Porodila našu dcéru
She gave birth to our daughter
Mozme sa chvilu rozprávať
We can chat for a while
Narazil som na nejake staré foto z triedy
I came across some old photos of the class
Založil som spoločnost
I founded a company
Jedná sa o donášku pizze
It is a pizza delivery service
Robím pizzu a on ju doručuje
I make the pizza and he delivers them
Ona a ja sa mame dobre
She and I are doing well
Máš na sebe smiešny klobúk
You wearing a funny hat
Vlastne vystačíme si celkom dobre
Actually we are getting by quite well
Uz si hladný?
Are you getting hungry yet?
Myslím ze to je skvele ze sa idete brat
I think it’s wonderful that you are getting married
Sľubujem že ti nepoleziem na nervy
I promise, I won’t get on your nerves
Kedy presne ste sa spoznali?
When exactly did you get to know?
Ked to dostaneš zavolaj mi
When you get it give me a ring
Vzdávam sa slobodného života
Give up the singles life
Mohol by som pokračovať v písaní ale je neskoro
I could go on writing but it’s getting late
Mysli si ze si vymýšľam
She thinks I am making it up
Tam je skvela fotografia
There’s a great photo
Odložili sme svoje rozdiely bokom
We have put our differences aside
Vložím tento list na postu zajtra
I will put this letter in the post tomorrow
Operátor ma nemohol spojiť
The operator couldn’t put me through
Môžeš mna ubytovať?
Can you put me up?
Pamätáš si na vylet do Brighton?
Do you remember the trip to Brighton?
Poslali nám svadobné oznámenie
They send us a wedding invitation
Hned ako mi dáš slovo
As soon as you give me your word
Plánujem zostať niekoľko mesiacov
I plan to stay for several months
Ona je po mne
She takes after me
Dávaj na seba pozor
Take care
Sa to skutočne rozbehlo
It has really taken off
Naozaj si vážime že si nám poslal pozvánky
We really appreciate you sending us invitations
Darí sa nám dobre
We are doing well
Pred 6 mesiacmi sa z nás stali rodičia
We became parents six months ago
Ona sa zaujíma o pletenie
She’s interested in the knitting
Vydám sa na cestu
I will be on my way
Nenašiel som si čas
I haven’t found the time