Lesson 15 = Reading 1 < Phrases Flashcards
Sprevádzaná jej otcom
Accompanied by her father
Upraviť jeho oblek
Adjust his suit
Po svadbe
After the wedding
Nevesta kráča ulickou
The bride to walk down the aisle
Všetci sedeli
All of them have been seated
Obaja su znepokojeny
They are both anxious
{ ænkšs }
Objavila sa v hlavnej uličke
She appears in the main aisle
{ ę pięr }
Držia sa pod pazuchami
They are locked arm in arm
Veľký den konecne prisiel
The big day has finally arrived
Oni sa zúčastňujú svadby
They are attending the wedding
Kostolné zvony začali zvoniť
The church bells start to ring
Kytica kvetou
The bouquet of flowers
Jedna z nich drží
One of them is holding
Zadržala dych
She is holding her breath
Čistí si hrdlo
He cleans his throat
Na nebi nieje ani obláčik
There isn’t a cloud in the sky
Čajky môže byt počuť nariekať
Gulls can be heard crying
{ gals }
On je v šatni
He is in the dressing room
Musíte počkať aby ste to zistili
You have to wait to find out
Cajky letia z mora
Gulls fly from the sea
Sedia v prednej rade
They are sitting in front row
{ rav }
Kostol je plny
The church is full
Vedľa jej budúceho manžela
Next to her future husband
Je ťažké uveriť
It’s hard to believe
Ona bude coskoro jeho ženou
She will soon be his wife
Oni sú zaistený ruka v ruke
They are locked arm in amr
Kostolný organista začal hrať
The church organist starts playing
Hrať svadobný pochod na organ
Play a wedding march to the organ
Bude hádzať im po svadbe
She will throw to them after the wedding
Sedia vedľa seba
The are sitting next to each other
Pribral zopar libier
He has put on a couple pounds
Po poslednom týždni
Over the past week
Všetko je hotové
Everything is ready
Slnko svieti
The sun is shining
Všetci povstali
Everyone stands up
Ona vyzerá absolútne ohromujúco
She looks absolutely stunning
Usadí sa na jej miesto
She takes her please
Počasie je perfektné na svadobný deň
The weather is perfect for the wedding day