Lesson 10 = Reading 3 < Phrases Flashcards
On mal strach
He was afraid
Bol v takmer perfektnom stave
He was in almost perfect health
Jeho schôdzka bola v utorok
His appointment was on Tuesday
Spytal som sa na ich choroby
I asked about illness
Len si byt istý
Just to be certain
Na komplexne vyšetrenie
For a check-up
Najlepšie navštíviť dermatológa
The best to see a dermatologist
Dokonca vyšetril aj jeho nohy
He even examined his feet
Bradavica na jeho ľavej nohe
The wart on his left foot
Na znak pliesne
For sign of fungus
Zdravý muž
A healthy man
Ako často?
How often?
Jej budúci manžel bol v dobrom zdravotnom stave
Her future husband was in good health
Po jeho poslednej chorobe
After his latest illness
Jeho zdravotný štýl je celkom zdravý
His lifestyle is quite healthy