Lesson 7 = Reading 1 < Phrases Flashcards
Skutočne použil veľa papierových obruskov
Actually he used a lot of napkins
Vo vzduchu
In the air
Paddy vyskočil hore a dolu vo vzduchu
Paddy jumped up and down in the air
Vo všetkých omáčkach
In all the sauce
Potom hľadali prsteň
Then they looked for the ring
Spýtal som sa jej
I asked her
Mysleli si ze bol chorý
They thought he was sick
Potom Paddy počul dievčenský hlas za ním
Then Paddy heard a girls voice behind him
Veľký kúsok hovädzieho mäsa
A big piece of beef
Potom zavolala čašníka
Then she called the waiter
Paddy nebol opatrný
Paddy wasn’t careful
Ja som prišiel do Coventry
I came to Coventry
Veľa veci mi prešlo mysľou
A lot of things went through my mind
Otvorili dvere krčmy
They opened the pub door
Pustil Lindi zásnubný prsteň
He dropped Linda’s engagement ring
Prsteň spadol do jedla
The ring fell into some food
Videl som dôverne známu tvar
I saw a familiar face
Z výletu do Londýna
From the trip to London
Vrátila to Paddymu
She gave it back to Paddy
Give back
Betty išla do krčmy
Betty went into the pub
Ako sa to stalo?
How did it happen?
Držal jej ruku v jeho
He held her hand in his
Pamätáš, pozval si ma na čaj
Remember, you invited me to have tea with you
Linda sa smiala a smiala
Linda laughed and laughed
Paddy a Linda opustili hostinec
Paddy and Linda left the pub
Paddy urobil chybu
Paddy made a mistake
Paddy vložil prsteň spat do vrecka
Paddy put the ring back into the pocket
Utekal za Lindou
He ran after Linda
Vyšli von do ulice
They walked out into the street
Linda si stiahla prsteň
Linda took off her ring
Čašník to vytiahol
The waiter took it out
Otočil sa
He turned around
Zotrel to s papierovým obruskom
He wiped it off with a napkin
Bez Paddyho
Without Paddy
Možno zjedol nieco zle
Maybe he ate something bad
Potom Paddy začul sa sebou dievčenský hlas
Then Paddy heard a girl’s voice behind him.
Si to ty?
Is that you?
A tu si
And here you are
Paddy sa rozbehol za Lindou
Paddy ran after Linda
Spytal som sa jej ci sa za mna vydá
I asked her to marry me