Lesson 4: Personal Pronouns Flashcards
First Person Singular: I/Me
Mimi represented by Ni
Second Person Singular: You
Wewe represented by U
Third Person Singular: He/She
Yeye represented by A
First Person Plural: We
Sisi represented by Tu
Second Person Plural: You (Y’all)
Nyinyi represented by M
Third Person Plural: They
Wao represented by Wa
What is your name?
Wewe unaitwa nani?
What are your names?
Nyinyi mnaitwa nani?
What is his/her name?
Yeye anaitwa nani?
What are their names?
Wao wanaitwa nani?
I am called…
Mimi ninaitwa…
We are called…
Sisi tunaitwa…
He/she is called…
Yeye anaitwa…
They are called…
Wao wanaitwa…
to call
to be called
I am called Lia
Ninaitwa Lia
You are called DJ.
Wewe unaitwa DJ.
She is called Lailaa.
Yeye anaitwa Lailaa.
We are called Lia and Nassir.
Sisi tunaitwa Lia na Nassir.
You all are called Jeremy and Myzell.
Nyinyi mnaitwa Jeremy na Myzell.
They are called Ezell, Raheem, and Hasem.
Wao wanitwa Ezell, Raheem na Haseem.