Lecture 8: Appendicular Musculature Flashcards
What kind of nerves are the appendicular musculature innervated by?
Spinal nerves
What organization do Appendicular nerves go through?
They form Plexuses
Which nerve plexus serves the upper limbs?
Brachial Plexus
Which Nerve Plexus serves the lower limbs?
Lumbosacral plexus
Which appendicular nerve is the only nerve not innervated Spinal nerve?
The trapezius
What do the Anterior components of appendicular muscular do?
Help with flexion
What do the Posterior component of muscles help with?
What is each compartment associated with?
One nerve
What are the two Girdles?
- Pectoral
* Pelvic
What are the 3 characteristics of Appendicular Musculature?
- Innervation by spinal nerves
- Attachments on axial and appendicular skeleton
- Movement through muscle contraction
What innervates the upper limbs?
The Brachial Plexus
What kind of nerve innervates the trapezius?
Cranial nerve
What are the 4 major muscle groups of the Upper limbs?
- Shoulder (Pectoral girdle)
- Arm
- Forearm
- Hand
What is interesting about the Scalpua?
It is a free floating bone and is able to move separately from the arm
What are the major characteristics of the Upper Limb Musculature?
- Innervated by the brachial plexus
* Four major muscle groups
What are the major functions of upper limb musculature?
- Mobility
* Reaching, throwing, grasping, manipulating
Where does the Scapula lie?
Flat on the Thoracic cage
What is the movement of the Scapula when you go to hug someone?
What is the movement of the Scapula when you bring it closer to the spinal column?
Why is the arm able to go even higher?
The scapula rotates and and allows the clavicle and the chromium to rotate
What is needed to rotate the arm all the way up?
Rotation of the Scapula
What movement allows us to Shrug?
Elevation of the Scalpula
What are the 4 muscles that move the Pectoral Girdle?
Levator Scapulae
Serratus Anterior
Where does the Trapezius attach?
Occipital and spinous processes to clavicle and scapular spine
What is the organization of the Trapezius muscles and how do the movements work?
It has fibers that are going up, horizontal and down. Depending on which fibre is contracting it creates different movement
What occurs when the upper muscles of the Trapezius contract?
The scapula is elevated
What occurs when the lowers muscle of the Trapezius contract?
The scapula is depressed
What occurs when the horizontal muscles of the Trapezius contract?
The scapula is Retracted
What three movements can the Trapezius produce?
Elevation, Retraction and Depression of the Scapula
What 4 muscles move the Pectoral Girdle?
- Trapezius
- Levator Scapulae
- Rhomboids
- Serratus Anterior
What is the function of the Levator Scapulae?
Elevates the Scapula
Where does the Levator Scapulae attch?
Transverse process to superior vertebral border of the Scapula
Which pairs muscles of the pectoral girdle serve the same function?
- Levator Scapulae and upper muscles of the Trapezius
* Rhomboids and horizontal muscles of the Trapezius
Where do Rhomboids attach?
Spinous processes to vertebral border of scapula
What is the function of the Rhomboids?
Retract the Scapula
Where does the Serratus anterior attache?
Ribs to vertebral border of scapula (anterior surface)
What is the function of the Serratus anterior?
Protraction of scapula
What is needed for full abduction of the arm?
The glenoid cavity attached to the scapula must go up
What muscles are needed for the full abduction of the arm and what occurs?
Scapula goes up
•Lower Trapezius
•Upper Trapezius
•Serratus anterior
What are the function of the Pectoralis minor?
- Depresses and protracts the scapula
* Elevates ribs
Where does the Pectoralis minor attach?
Coracoid process to ribs
What muscles are used for adduction of the arm and what happens?
The scapula rotates downward
•Levator scapulae
•Pectoralis minor
What muscles move the arm at the shoulder?
- Pectoralis major
- Deltoidus
- Subscapularis
- Latissimus dorsi
- Teres major
- Supraspinatus
- Infraspinatus
- Teres minor
Where does the Pectoralis Major attach?
Ribs/Sternum, clavicle, lateral side of the intertubercular sulcus
What is the function of the Pectoralis Major?
Arm abductor
Flexor and medial rotator
Where does the Deltoidus connect?
Clavicle and scapular spine to deltoid tuberosity?
What is the function of the Anterior part Deltoidus?
- Major arm abductor
* Arm flexion and medial rotator
What is the major arm abductor?
What is the only thin the Deltoideus can’t do?
What is the function of the Subscapularis?
Medial arm rotator
Where does the Subscapularis attach?
Fossa to the lesser tubercle
What are the major functions of the posterior part of the Deltoideus?
- Arm abductor
* Arm Extensor and Lateral Rotator
Where does the Latissimus dorsi attach?
•Spinous processes, ribs, iliac crest to intertubercular sulcus
What is the function of the Latissimus Dorsi?
- Arm retraction
* Arm extensor and adductor and medial rotator
What is the function of the Teres Major?
•Arm extensor and medial rotator
What does the Teres Major assist?
The Latissimus Dorsi
Where does the Latissimus dorsi attach?
Inferior angle of the scapular to medial side of intertubercular sulcus
Where does the Supraspinatus attach?
Supraspinous fossa to greater tubercle
What is the function of the Supraspinatus?
Arm abductor (assists the deltoid)
Which muscle assists the Deltoid?
The supraspinatus
How does the Supraspinatus assist the deltoid?
It does the first 15º of abduction of the arm
What is the function of the Infraspinatus?
Lateral Arm Rotator
What is the function of the Teres Minor?
Lateral arm rotator
Where does the Infraspinatus attach?
Infraspinous fossa to greater tubercle
Where does the Teres minor attach?
Axillary border to greater tubercle
What are the rotator Cuff muscles?
- Supraspinatus
- Infraspinatus
- Teres minor
- Subscapularis
What is the function of the Rotator cuff muscles?
•Tendons reinforce the shoulder joint capsule and hold the humeral head against the glenoid fossa which prevents dislocation of shoulder joint
What are the Anterior muscles moving the Forearm at the elbow joint?
- Brachialis
- Brachioradialis
- Biceps brachii
What is the function of the Anterior muscles moving the forearm at the elbow joints?
Flex the arm at the elbow joint
Where does the Biceps Brachii attach?
Scapula above glenoid cavity and coracoid process to Radial tuberosity
What is the function of the Bieps Brachii?
- Powerful forearm supinator
* Forearm flexor
When are the Biceps Brachii especially strong?
When the arm is supinated
What is the Strongest Supinator?
The Biceps Brachii
Where does the Brachialis connect?
Humeral shaft to coronoid process of ulna
What is the function of the Brachialis?
It is a powerful forearm flexor
When is the Brachialis strongest?
When the arm is pronated
Where does the Brachioradialis connect?
Above the lateral epicondyle to styloid process of the radius
What is the function of the Brachioradialis?
It is the forearm flexor when half pronated
What are the Posterior Muscles moving the arm at the Elbow joint?
Triceps Brachii
What is the function of the Triceps Brachii?
It is a forearm extensor and assists in arm extension
Where does the Triceps Brachii attach?
Under glenoid cavity, superiorW shaft of humerus, inferior shaft of humerus to olecranon process
What are the Anterior muscles moving the Wrist joint (superficial)?
- Flexor carpi radialis
- Palmaris longus
- Flexor carpi ulnaris
What is the common function of Anterior muscles that move the hand at the frist joint?
What is the function of the Flexor Carpi Radialis?
Hand flexor and abductor
What is the function of the Palmaris Longus?
Weak hand flexor (not always present)
What is the function of the Flexor Carpi Ulnaris?
Hand flexor and adductor
Which muscle is not always present?
The Palmaris longus
What is the function of the Flexor Retinaculum?
Strong fibrous band forming roof of carpal tunnel
What are the Anterior muscles moving the digits (intermediate layer)?
Flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS)
What is the function of the Flexor Digitorum Superficialis
Finger flexor
What are the Anterior muscles moving the digits (deep layer)?
- Flexor Pollicis Longus (FPL)
* Flexor Digitorum profundus
What is the function of the Flexor Pollicis Longus (FLP)?
Thumb (pollex) flexor
What is the function of the Flexor Digitorum profundus (FDP)?
Finger Flexor
Where does the FPL attach?
Radial shaft to distal phalanx of digit 1
Where does the FDP attach?
Ulnar shaft to distal phalanges of digits 2-5
What occurs in Carpal Tunnel syndrome?
Repetitive motion of the flexor tendons can irritate their sheath coverings, leading to swelling and compression of median nerve in carpal tunnel
What are the Posterior muscles moving the hand at the joint?
- Extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis
* Extensor carpi ulnaris
What is the function of the Extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis?
Hand extensor and abductor
What is the function of the Extensor Carpi Ulnaris?
Hand extensor and adductor
What are the Posterior muscles moving the digits?
- Extensor digitorum and extensor digiti minimi (5th digit)
* Extensors (longus and brevis) and abductor pollicis (for thumb)
What is the function of the Extensor digitorum and extensor digiti minimi (5th digit)
Finger extensors (digits 2,3,4,5)
What is the function of Extensors (longus and brevis) and Abductor Pollicis
Thumb extensor and abductor
What does the Supinator wrap around?
It wraps around the Radius
What is the function of the Supinator?
It supinates the wrist
Which muscle protonate the wrist?
Pronator teres and Pronator quadratus
How do the Pronators work?
They bring the radius over the ulna
Which muscles Supinate the wrist?
Supinator and Biceps brachii
What are muscles associated with the Thumb called?
Thenar muscles
What are muscles associated with the pinky called?
Hypothenar muscles
What is the function of the Thenar and Hypothenar muscles?
Opposition of the fingers
What is the function of Palmar interossei muscles?
Finger adductors of digits 2,4 and 5
What is the function of the 4 Lumbricals?
Flexor of metacarpophalangeal joints but extensor for interphalangeal joints (digits 2,3,4,5)
What are the Hypothenar muscles?
- Flexor digiti minimi
- Opponens digiti minimi
- Abductor digiti minimi
What are the Thenar muscles?
- Flexor pollicis brevis
- Opponens pollicis
- Abductor pollicis brevis
What is the function of the 4 Dorsal Interossei?
They abduct the fingers (digits 2,3, and 4)
What is the difference in function between long and short muscles?
Long muscles help with forceful contractions
What are the lower limbs innervated by?
Lumbosacral plexus
What are the four major muscle groups?
- Hip
- Thigh
- Leg
- Foot
What are lower limbs designed for?
- Stability
* Locomotion, posture, and balance
What are the muscles moving the thigh at the hip joint?
- Gluteus minimus
- Gluteus medius
- Gluteus maximus
What is the function of the Gluteus Minimus?
Thigh abductor to medial rotator
What is the function of the Gluteus Medius?
Thigh abductor and medial rotator
What is the function of the Gluteus maximus?
Thigh (hyper) extensor and lateral rotator
Where does the Gluteus minimus attach?
Ilium to greater trochanter
Where does the Gluteus medius attach?
Iliac crest to greater trochanter
Where does the Gluteus maximus attach?
Iliac crest and sacrum to gluteal tuberosity
What is the function of the lesser gluteal muscles?
Keeps the pelvis from tilting down on its unsupported side
What muscles move the thigh at the hip joint?
- Iliopsoas
* Adductor muscle group
Which muscles are included in the Iliopsoas?
Iliacus and Psoas major
What muscles are included in the Adductor muscle group?
- Magnus
- Longus
- Brevis
What is the function of the Iliopsoas?
Thigh flexor
What is the functions of the Adductor muscle group?
Thigh adductor, flexor and medial rotator
Which muscles move the leg at the knee joint?
- Quadriceps femoris
* Sartorius
Which muscles are included in the Quadriceps femoris?
- Rectus femoris
- Vastus lateralis
- Intermedius medialis
What is the function of the Quadriceps femoris?
- Leg extensor
* Thigh flexor (rectus femoris)
What is the function of the Sartorius?
- Thigh and leg flexion
* Abduction and lateral rotation
Where does Quadricep femoris attach to?
ASIS and femoral shaft to tibial tuberosity via patella
Where does the Sartorius connect?
ASIS to medial side of tibial tuberosity
Which muscles move the leg at the Knee joint?
- Semitendinosus
- Semimembranosus
- Biceps femoris
What are the leg flexors and thigh extensors at the hip joint?
- Semitendinosus
- Semimembranosus
- Biceps femoris