Learning Flashcards
a relatively permanent or stable change in behavior as a result of experience
Classical conditioning
described by Pavlov, occurs when a neutral stimulus is paired with a previously meaningful stimulus will eventually take on some meaning
Conditioned stimulus
initially neutral stimulus
Unconditioned Stimulus
initially meaningful stimulus
Unconditioned response
initally neutral/natural response to the US
Conditioned response
the response to the CS after conditioning
Forward conditioning
in which the CS is presented before the US
Delay conditioning
the CS is present until the US begins
Trace conditioning
CS is removedsome time before the US is presented
John Watson
demonstrated Classical conditioning with the Little Albert
ability to distinguish between different stimuli
takes place when the pairing of the natural and neutral stimulihave ecoured with enough frequency that the neutral stimulus alone will elicit the CR
the elimination of the CR
Spontaneous Recovery
the orginal response disapperas on its own but then appears again by the previous CS at a later time
Second-order conditioning
a previous CS now is used as the US
Contiguity Approach
Watson believed that the pairing of the neutral (eventually CS) and the natural (US) stimuli occured becasue they are paired in time
Operant Conditioning
uses learning to make a response in order to obtain a reward and punishment
B.F. Skinner
the pioneer in the study of Operant Conditioning and utilized the Skinner Box worked with rats
Edward L Thorndike
proposed the law of effect
Law of effect
behavior is more likely to recur if reinforced
rewarding for behavior that is closer and closer to desired behavior
Natural/primary reinforcement
does not need to be learned to be reinforced, food, water, and sex
Secondary reinforcement
learned reinforcers, money is a good example
Positive reinforcement
a reward or event that increases the likelihood that a particular type of response will be repeated
Negative reinforcement
the removal of an aversive event in order to encourage the behavior
Omission training
seeks to decrease the frequency of behavior by withholding the reward until the desired behavior is demonstrated
Donald Hebb
proposed that human learning takes place by neurons forming new connections with one another or by strengthening connections that already exist
Eric Kandel
examined classical conditioning in aplysia
strengthen the synapes between the sensory neurons and the motor neurons involved
Social learning
learning based on observing the behavior of others as well as the consequences involved with said behavior
Albert Bandura
Bobo doll, through expirement discovered modeling
Conditioned taste aversion
A.K.A. the Garcia effect, animals eat food that results in nausea induced by a drug or radiation will not eat that food if they ever encounter it again
Stimulus generalization
generalize form one stimulus to the other
Edward Tolman
worked with rats and cognitive learning, cognitive map, and latent learning
Cognitive map
mental representation of the maze
Latent learning
learning that is not outwardly expressed until the situation calls for it