Learning Flashcards
a relatively permanent or stable change in behavior as a result of experience
Classical conditioning
described by Pavlov, occurs when a neutral stimulus is paired with a previously meaningful stimulus will eventually take on some meaning
Conditioned stimulus
initially neutral stimulus
Unconditioned Stimulus
initially meaningful stimulus
Unconditioned response
initally neutral/natural response to the US
Conditioned response
the response to the CS after conditioning
Forward conditioning
in which the CS is presented before the US
Delay conditioning
the CS is present until the US begins
Trace conditioning
CS is removedsome time before the US is presented
John Watson
demonstrated Classical conditioning with the Little Albert
ability to distinguish between different stimuli
takes place when the pairing of the natural and neutral stimulihave ecoured with enough frequency that the neutral stimulus alone will elicit the CR
the elimination of the CR
Spontaneous Recovery
the orginal response disapperas on its own but then appears again by the previous CS at a later time
Second-order conditioning
a previous CS now is used as the US