Chapter 8- First Half Flashcards
Associative Learning
Linking two events that occur close together
A relatively permanent change in an organisms behavior due to experience
Classical Conditioning
A type of learning in which an organism associates a stimuli
View that psychology should be objective science and studies behavior without reference to mental process
Ivan Pavlov
Explored classical conditioning, looked for underlying reason for learning
Unconditioned Stimulus (US)
A condition that naturally automatically triggers a response
Unconditioned Response (UR)
Unlearned, naturally occurring response to the unconditioned stimulus, such as saliva production when food is in the mouth
Neutral Stimulus
Stimulus that does not draw out any response
Conditioned Stimulus (CS)
Originally irrelevant stimulus, then associated with US comes to trigger a conditioned response
Conditioned Response (CR)
A learned response to a previously neutral stimulus
Turning a neutral stimulus into a conditioned stimulus, thus drawing out a conditioned response
Diminishing of a conditioned response
Spontaneous Recovery
The reappearance, after a pause, of an extinguished conditioned response
The tendency for similar stimuli to trigger the same response
The learned ability to distinguished one stimuli from another
John Garcia
Associated with taste aversion
Taste Aversion
Acquisition only takes one time because the response is so strong
Operant Conditioning
Type of learning, behavior is strengthened if reinforced or diminished if punished
Respondent Behaviorb
occurs as an automatic response to some stimulus
Operant Behavior
operates on the environment producing a consequence
B.F. Skinner
Modern behaviorism’s most influential and controversial figure
Edward L. Throndlike
Developed the law of effect
Law of effect
Rewarded behavior is likely to reoccur
Operant chamber
Skinner box; contains a bar or key that an animal can manipulate to obtain a reinforcer
Using reinforcers to guide behavior towards closer and closer approximations of the desired behavior