lab 18 Flashcards
uterine cycle
series of canges that occur in the endometrium of a non pregnant female
ovarian cycle
monthly series of events associated with formation and release of teh female gamete
FSH stimulates (F)
development of ovarian follicles and secretion of estrogens by the follicles
LH stimulates (F)
further development of ovarian follicles, ovulation, progesterone production by corpus luteum
FSH in males
sperm production
LH in males
test production
estrogens 5 main functions
- promote development of female organs and secondary sex characteristics
- control fluid and electrolyte balance
- increase protein anabolism
- believed to contribute to sex drive
- inhibit FSH
progesterone functions (2)
prepare endometrium for implantation and prepare breast for milk secretion
avg range of cycle length
24-35 days avg 28
4 phases of ovarian cycle
menstrual phase
pre ovulatory phase
post ovulatory phase
menstrual phase (uterine and ovulatory cycles)
phase 1
periodic discharge of blood/tissue/mucus/epi cells from endometrium of uterus
lasts about 5 days
- lots of primary follicles begin to develop into secondary follicles
- only one will attain maturity
granulosa cells of secondary ovarian follicles secrete
follicular fluid
along will some hormones (estrogen\inhibin)
where follicular fluid accumulates
when the first meiotic division is complete, what results
a secondary oocyte in the secondary follicle + polar body
pre ovulatory phase
phase 2
secondary follicle matures into tertiary (mature) ovarian follicle
estrogen production by granulosa cells is increased
also reffered to as porliferative phase bcecause endometrial cells return / follicular phase becuase of increasing estrogens
ovulation phase
phase 3
rupture of mature follicle and release of ovuminto the pelvic cavity happens on day 14
just before, estrogen inhibits FSH secretion, while LH is greatly increased
high LH + high Est + low FSH = ovulation
post ovulatory phase
phase 4
day 15-28
luteal phase of ovarian cycle
secretory phase of the uterian cycle
FSH secretion increases, LH decreases
porgesterone dominant stage
luteal phase
ovarian cycle part of post ovulatory phase (4)
mature follicle collapses, blood within it forms a clot
LH stimulates ruptured folicle to become corpus luteum
- produced estro/progest which make changes in endometrium
secretory phase
uterine cycle part of post ovulatory phase
prepares endometrium for implantation of blastocyst
- filling of endometrial glands
- vascularization of endometrium
- thickening
if fertilization and implantation do not occur, corpus luteum …
corpus luteum degenerates into corpus albicans. without its hormones, teh cycle continues as FSH comes back
if fertilization and implantation do occur, corpus luteum…
is kept going by human chorionic gonadotropin produced by chorion of embryo.
estrogen/progest secreted by corpus luteum maintain endometrial lining, preventing menstruation
first uterine cycle
last uterine cycle
usually between 45-50 years old
ovarian cycle compared to whole cycle
follicular phase
- lasts menstrual and preov phase
- during ovulatory phase
luteal phase
- during post ov phase
uterine cycle compaired to whole cycle
mentrual phase
- during menstrual phase
proliferative phase
- during preov phase
Nothing during ov phase
secretory phase
- during post ov
menstuatung uterus slide
fucking tidal wave
looks like a nuclear bomb cloud or the famous japanese wave painint
non menstruating uterus slide
looks like corn rows
progesterone target tissues
mammary glands
sequence of events including fertilization implantation embryonic growth and fetal growth
fertilization is
usually within 24 hours of ovulation
process where sperm beat tails and head can respond to chemicals released by the oocyte
what must a sperm pass thru to get to teh egg
corona radiata and zona pellucida
covering of sperm head
contains enzymes like acrosin that will digest the membrane of the oocyte
once fertilization occurs:
a fertilization membrane forms around oocyte
flagellum is shed
oocyte completes meiosis 2
nuclei of ovum and sperm form a zygote
after fertilization, :
rapid cell division by mitosis occurs
early division of teh zygote
smaller cells in the zygote
a solid mass of cells produced by a cleavage
only slightly larger than og zygote
hollow ball of cells (after cleavage and morula)
has 2 layers
- trophoblast - outer layer
- embryoblast - inner mass of cells (clump on the wall)
- hollow space - blastocyst cavity
attachment of blastocyst to endometrium
6-8 days after fert
endometrium is currently in post ov phase
embryoblast after implantation differentiates into (3)
embryoblast beings to differentiate and forms 3 germ layers
3 germ layers formed by the embryoblast
ectoderm produces
all nervous tissue
epidermis of skin
lots of superficial things like hair, nails, cornea, etc
mesoderm produces
all skeletal and cardiac muscle tissue
endoderm produces
basically the epithelium of everything
trophoblast develops into
part of placenta
embryonic period
first 8 weeks of development
developing human is called an embryo
after second month, it is called a fetus
extraembryonic membranes function
4 of these form in teh embryonic period
lie outside embryo and protext/nourish teh fetus
what does the embryoblast develop into
3/4 embryonic membrane
umbilical vesicle (yolk sac)
what does the trophoblast develop into
1/4 embryonic membranes
umbilical vesicle (yolk sac)
endoderm lined membrane that nourishes embryo during week 2-3, becomes part of digestive canal eventually
4 functiosn of umbilical vesicle
supply nutrients to embryo
forms part of digestive canal
functions as a shock absorber
prevents drying out of embryo
amniotic fluid make up
maternal blood early on
later, fetal urine
amniotic fluid function
shock absorber
regulates temp
chorion eventually forms:
connecting stalk that forms umbilical cord
how does the chorion protect the embryo and fetus from the mothers immune response
placental barrier prevents many harmful substances from reaching the fetus
choronic villi
contain fetal blood vessels and continue growing until they are bathed in maternal blood in the endometrium.
in other words, this makes sure the two blood dont mix, only come close together to nutrients can be transported across
small vascularized pouch thing that forms in the wall of the umbilical vesicle
functions in early formation of blood and vessels
human chorionic gonadotropin
maintians activity of corpus luteum, especially porgesterone, which is needed to keep the embryo attached to the endometrium
serves as a base for a lot of pregnancy tests
NOTE: placenta provides hormones after normal ovarian cycle ones are not sufficient in later stages of pregnancy (3 months +)
when does hCG secretion cut back
once placenta is fully formed around month 4
teh time that the embryo is carried in the uterus
another term for labor
true labor
recognizable by shortening intervals between contractions
false labor
recognizable by irregular contraction intervals
3 stages of labor
placental stage
dilation stage of labor
amnionic sac rupture, dilation of cervix,
expulsion stage of labor
the time between cervix dilation and expulsion of the baby
placental stage of labor
tiem after deliver until placenta is expelled
secreted by mammary glands in place of milk for the first few days after delivery when milk is not yet being produced
still waiting for porgesterone effects to wear off so prolactin can stimulate milk porduction
active mammary gland slide
shrivled up ass things
big pale pink background with lil squiggles in one portion
inactive mammary gland slide
definitely looks like something that would produce milk
bulbous, full, and padding like
where is human chorionic gonadotropin secreted from
chorion of placenta
by placental trophoblastic cells