Intro to Psychology: Unit 2 Chapter 6 Flashcards
Define: Classical Conditioning
Learning in which a stimulus acquires the capacity to evoke a response that was originally evoked by another stimulus.
Ex: Ivan Pavlovs Experiment
Describe Ivan Pavlov’s experiment
Teaching a Dog to salivate to the sound of a bell, using food as a way to condition the dog.
Define: Neutral Stimulus
Stimulus that doesn’t affect the subject at all.
Ex: The Bell in Pavlov’s experiment
Define: Unconditioned Stimulus
A stimulus that evokes an unconditioned response w/o previous conditioning.
Ex: The Food in Pavlov’s experiment
Define: Unconditioned Response
An unlearned response to the unconditioned stimulus.
Ex: The dog salivating to the food in Pavlov’s experiment
Define: Conditioning
Pairing Neutral stimuli w/ the unconditioned stimulus to potentially evoke a new conditioned stimulus & response.
Ex: Pairing the Bell and the food
Define: Conditioned Stimulus
Previously Neutral Stimulus that, through conditioning, evokes a conditioned response.
Ex: Bell after conditioning
Define: Conditioned Response
An unconditioned response that now is a conditioned response because it resounds to what was previously the neutral stimulus.
Ex: The Dog salivating to the bell
Define: Acquisition
Formation of a new conditioned response tendency.
Define: Extinction
Gradual weakening and disappearance of a conditioned response tendency.
Who is John Watson and what was his experiment?
Father of Modern Behaviorism
Little Albert Experiment
White mouse + Loud noise = fear for the baby
Now little Albert is scared of mouse, and when they brought in a rabbit, he was still scared
This is because he could not discriminate between the two, and the experiment supported the idea of generalization.
Define: Spontaneous Recovery
When an extinguished conditioned stimulus suddenly elicits a conditioned response again, when there is a period between trials.
Define: Stimulus Discrimination
Subjects can differentiate between different stimuli.
Define: Operant Conditioning
Form of learning where voluntary responses. are controlled by their consequences.
Who created operant conditioning?
BF Skinner