Exam #6: Review Flashcards
What type of joint is the sternoclavicular joint?
What ligaments compose the sternoclavicular joint?
- Anterior & posterior sternoclavicular ligaments
- Interclavicular ligament
What are the anterior axio-appendicular muscles?
Pectoralis major
Pectorialis minor
Serratus anterior
A patient presents in your office with a right winged scapula & he is unable to raise his right arm over his head. What is the muscle & nerve most likely involved?
Serratus anterior
Long thoracic nerve
C5, C6, C7
What are the three actions of the latissimus dorsi on the humerus?
Medial rotation
List the four muscles that depress the shoulder.
Pectoralis muscles
Latissimus dorsi
Serratus anterior
What muscles superiorly rotate the scapula?
Serratus anterior
What muscles inferiorly rotate the scapula?
Latissimus dorsi
Levator scapula
What is the action of the subscapularis?
Medial rotation of the humerus
What two anastamoses occur in the region of the scapula?
1) Dorsal scapular & thoracodorsal
2) Suprascapular & circumflex scapular
What does the C8 myotome control?
Digital flexion
Outline the cutaneous innervation to the upper limb.
Plate 400
What three bones does the Flexor Carpi Ulnaris insert on?
Hamate (hook/ hamulus)
Origin of the flexor pollicis longus?
Distal radius & interosseous membrane
What is the insertion of the flexor pollicis longus?
Base of the distal palanx on digit 1
What are the two branches of the Profunda Brachii?
Middle collateral a.
Radial collateral a.
What does the superficial branch of the radial nerve innervate?
Cutaneous to dorsum of the hand
What is the posterior interosseous nerve?
Termination of the deep branch of the radial nerve after innervation of the supinator
What is the origin of the brachioradialis?
Lateral supracondylar ridge
What is the insertion of the brachioradialis?
Styloid process of the radius
What are the muscles of the deep group of the posterior compartment of the forearm?
1) Supinator
2) Abductor pollicis longus
3) Extensor pollicis longus
4) Extensor pollicis brevis
What is the origin of the supinator?
Lateral epicondyle
Olecranon process
What is the origin of the abductor pollicis longus?
Posterior ulna
Interosseous membrane
What is the insertion of abductor pollicis longus?
Base of MC I
What is the origin of the extensor pollicis longus? Insertion?
Posterior ulna
Interosseous membrane
–>Distal phalanx
What is the insertion of the extensor pollicis brevis? Insertion?
Posterior radius
Interosseous membrane
–>Proximal phalanx
What is the origin of the extensor indicis?
Posterior ulna
Interosseous membrane
What is the typical presentation of a Colle’s fracture?
Dorsal displacement of the radius following a FOOSH
How many heads are there to the flexor pollicis brevis?
What nerves innervate the two heads to the flexor pollicis brevis?
Superficial= recurrent branch of the median Deep= ulnar
What is the function of the lumbricals?
- Flex MCP
- Extend PIP & DIP
What branch of the median nerve innervates the lumbricals?
Palmar digital
What muscles form the superficial layer of gluteal muscles?
Gluteus maximus
Gluteus medius
Gluteus minimus
What muscles form the deep layer of gluteal muscles?
Piriformis Obtruator Internus Superior Gemellus Inferior Gemellus Quadratus Femoris
What is the function of the gluteus maximus?
Extension & lateral rotation of the thigh
*Note that this most is used in rising from a sitting position & running
What nerve innervates the gluteus maximus?
Inferior gluteal
What is the action of the gluteus medius?
1) ABduction & medial rotation of the thigh
2) With the gluteus minimus, stops hip from sagging on unsupported side
What nerve innervates the gluteus medius?
Superior gluteal
What is the action of the gluteus minimus?
ABduction & medial rotation of the thigh
What nerve innervates the gluteus minimus?
Superior gluteal nerve
What does a positive Trendelenburg Sign indicate?
Damage to the superior gluteal nerve
What nerves innervate the piriformis?
S1 & S2
What is the function of the piriformis?
Lateral rotation of the thigh
What nerves innervate the Obtruator Internus?
L5, S1, & S2
What is the function of the Obtruator Internus?
1) Lateral rotation
2) Extension
3) Abduction of flexed thigh
What nerve innervates the superior gemellus?
Nerve to the obtruator internus, L5, S1, & S2
What is the action of the superior gemellus?
Same as the obtruator internus
1) Lateral rotation
2) Extension
3) Abduction of flexed thigh
What nerve innervates the inferior gemellus?
Same as the quadratus femoris
L5 & S1
What is the action of the inferior gemellus?
Same as the obtruator internus
1) Lateral rotation
2) Extension
3) Abduction of flexed thigh
What nerve innervates the quadratus femoris?
Nerve to the quadratus femoris (L5 & S1)
What is the function of the quadratus femoris?
Lateral rotation of the thigh
What is the lumbar plexus?
Anterior ramii of L1-L4
What is the obtruator nerve?
Anterior ramii of L2-L4
What does the obtruator nerve innervate?
Adductor muscles
What is the femoral nerve?
Anterior ramii of L2-L4
What does the femoral nerve innervate?
Flexors of the hip
Extensors of the knee
What is the lumbosacral trunk?
Anterior ramii of L4-5 that participates in the formation of the sacral plexus
What are the ilio-inguinal & iliohypogastic nerves?
Anterior ramus of L1
What do the ilio-inguinal & iliohypogastic nerves supply?
Abdominal muscles
Skin of the pubic & inguinal regions
What is the genitofemoral nerve?
Anterior ramii of L1-L2
What is the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve?
Anterior ramii of L2-L3
What does the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve innervate?
Skin on the anterolateral surface of the thigh
What does the genital branch of the genitofemoral nerve, & the ilioinguinal nerve innervate in the thigh?
Proximal medial thigh
What does the femoral branch of the genitofemoral nerve innervate?
Skin over the femoral triangle
What does the medial cutaneous branch of the femoral nerve innervate?
Skin to the medial thigh
What does the intermediate cutaneous branch of the femoral innervate?
Skin of the distal anterior thigh
Where does the posterior femoral cutaneous nerve originate?
Sacral plexus, S1-S3
What does the posterior femoral cutaneous nerve innervate?
Posterior thigh & popliteal region
What is the general function of the muscles of the anterior compartment of the thigh?
Flexion on the thigh & extension of the knee
What nerve innervates the anterior compartment of the thigh?
Femoral nerve (L2, L3, & L4)
List the muscles of the anterior compartment of the thigh.
Sartorius Quadriceps femoris - Rectus femoris - Vastus lateralis - Vastus medialis - Vastus intermedius Articularis genu Iliopsoas - Psoas major - Iliacus Tensor Fascia Lata
What is the general function of the muscles of the medial compartment of the thigh?
What nerve innervates the medial compartment of the thigh?
Obturator nerve
What are the exceptions to the general innervation of the medial compartment?
The adductor magnus splits into 2x portions:
1) Adductor part
2) Hamstring part–innervated by the TIBIAL nerve
The pectineus muscle is innervated by BOTH the femoral and obturator nerves
List the muscles of the medial compartment.
Pectineus Adductor longus Adductor brevis Adductor magnus Gracilis Obturator externus
What is the general function of the muscles of the posterior compartment of the thigh?
Flexion of the thigh
What nerve innervates the muscles of the posterior compartment of the thigh?
Tibial nerve
What is the exception to the general innervation of the posterior compartment?
The biceps femoris splits into 2x heads:
1) Long head
2) Short head (lateral)–which is innervated by the COMMON PERONEAL nerve
List the muscles of the posterior compartment of the thigh.
Biceps femoris
What nerve provides cutaneous innervation to the lower leg & foot?
Saphenous nerve (distal extension of the femoral nerve)
What muscles are innervated by the anterior division of the obturator nerve?
Adductor longus
Adductor brevis
What muscles are innervated by the posterior division of the obturator nerve?
Obtruator externus
Adductor brevis
Adductor magnus
What nerve provides sensory innervation to the medial part of the thigh, proximal to the knee?
Obtruator nerve
What is the major function of the muscles in the anterior compartment of the leg?
Dorsiflexion of the ankle & extension of the toes
What nerve innervates the anterior compartment?
Deep Peroneal Nerve
What nerve is most commonly injured in the lower leg?
Common peroneal nerve
Why is the common peroneal nerve the most commonly injured nerve in the lower leg?
- It has a superficial & lateral position
- It winds around the fibular neck, leaving it vulnerable to direct trauma
What is the clinical manifestation of severance of the common peroneal nerve?
- Loss of innervation to BOTH the anterior & lateral compartments of the LE
- Loss of dorsiflexion (and eversion) results in classic “footdrop”
What is the major function of the lateral compartment?
Eversion of the foot
What nerve innervates the lateral compartment?
Superficial peroneal nerve
What muscles are contained within the lateral compartment?
1) Peroneus Longus
2) Peroneus Brevis
What are the general functions of the posterior compartment?
Plantarflexion & inversion
What nerve innervates the posterior compartment? What spinal levels does this nerve originate from?
Tibial nerve (L4-S3)
What are the muscles of the superficial posterior compartment?
1) Gastrocnemuis
2) Soleus
3) Plantaris
What are the muscles of the deep posterior compartment of the leg?
1) Popliteus
2) Flexor digitorum longus
3) Flexor hallucis longus
4) Tibialis posterior
What nerve supplies the skin on the medial side of the lower leg? What nerve is this nerve a branch of? What vertebral levels does this nerve arise from?
The saphenous nerve supplies the medial side of the lower leg; it is a branch of the femoral nerve, and arises from L3-L4
What nerve supplies cutaneous innervation to the lateral aspect of the lower extremity?
Lateral sural cutaneous nerve
What nerve supplies cutaneous innervation to the posterior (small strip) aspect of the leg, & lateral foot?
Medial sural cutaneous nerve
What nerve is lateral sural cutaneous nerve a branch of?
Common peroneal nerve
What nerve is the medial sural cutaneous nerve a branch of?
Tibial nerve
What is the sural communicating nerve?
A branch of the lateral sural cutaneous nerve that joins medial sural cutaneous
What nerve innervates the medial side of the foot, as far as the 1st metatarsal (Dorsum)?
Saphenous nerve (L3, L4)
What nerve innervates the lateral aspect of the foot, proximal to the tuberosity of the 5th metatarsal (Dorsum)?
Lateral dorsal cutaneous branch of the sural nerve (S1, S2)
What nerve innervates the middle part of the dorsum of the foot & the medial aspect of the great toe?
Medial & intermediate dorsal cutaneous branches of the superficial peroneal nerve
What nerve innervates the web-space between the great toe & the second toe?
Deep peroneal nerve
What nerve innervates the heel?
Medial calcaneal branch of the Tibial Nerve (S1, S2)
What nerve innervates the medial aspect of the plantar foot, proximal to the great toe?
Saphenous nerve (L3, L4)
What nerve innervates the ball of the foot & medial 3.5 toes?
Medial Plantar Nerve (L4, L5)
What nerve innervates the lateral 1.5 toes?
Lateral Plantar Nerve (S1 & S2)
What are the three main ligaments of the hip?
1) Iliofemoral ligament
2) Pubofemoral ligament
3) Ischiofemoral ligament
What is the main function of the ligaments of the hip?
Prevention of hyperextension
What is the strongest & widest ligament of the hip?
Iliofemoral ligament
What are the attachments of the iliofemoral ligament?
AIIS and intertrochanteric line
What are the specific functions of the iliofemoral ligament ?
Prevents hyperextension & external rotation
Where does the pubofemoral ligament attach?
Superior ramus of the pubis & obturator crest to iliofemoral ligament
What are the specific functions of the pubofemoral ligament?
Prevents hyperextension, external rotation, and ABduction
Describe the arrangement of the ischiofemoral ligament.
Spirals from the ischial body to the femoral neck
What is the functional outcome of the spiral arrangement of the ischiofemoral ligament?
Extension winds the spiraling ligaments & fibers more tightly, constricting the capsule & drawing the femoral head tightly into the acetabulum–>stability
What are the specific functions of the ischiofemoral ligament?
Prevents hyperextension & internal rotation