Exam #5: Foot Flashcards
How many tarsals are there?
How many metatarsals are there?
How many phalanges are there?
14 (great toe only has 2)
What are the bones of the hindfoot?
Talus & calcaneus
What are the bones of the midfoot?
Navicular, cuneiforms, & cobuoid
What are the bones of the forefoot?
Metatarsals & phalanges
What is the ball of the foot?
Sole underlying the sesamoid bones & heads of the medial two metatarsals
What is the deep fascia continuous with in the foot?
Crural fascia & the fascia of the plantar surface of the foot
What forms the inferior extensor retinaculum?
Deep fascia of the foot
What are the three parts of the inferior extensor retinaculum?
1) Stem (originates from the calcaneus)
2) Superomedial limb
3) Inferomedial limb
Where does the superomedial limb of the inferior extensor retinaculum attach?
Medial malleolus
Where does the inferomedial limb of the inferior extensor retinaculum attach?
Blends with the plantar fascia
What nerve innervates the medial side of the foot, as far as the 1st metatarsal (Dorsum)?
Saphenous nerve (L3, L4)
What nerve innervates the lateral aspect of the foot, proximal to the tuberosity of the 5th metatarsal (Dorsum)?
Lateral dorsal cutaneous branch of the sural nerve (S1, S2)
What nerve innervates the middle part of the dorsum of the foot & the medial aspect of the great toe?
Medial & intermediate dorsal cutaneous branches of the superficial peroneal nerve
What nerve innervates the web-space between the great toe & the second toe?
Deep peroneal nerve
What muscles provides tendons to the dorsum of each of the four lateral toes?
Extensor digitorum longus
What muscle provides the tendon to the dorsum of the great toe?
Extensor hallucis longus
What is the only intrinsic muscle of the dorsum of the foot?
Extensor digitorum brevis
What is the function of the Extensor Digitorum Brevis?
Extension of toes 2-4
What muscles is part of the Extensor Digitorum Brevis and goes to the great toe?
Extensor Hallucis Brevis
Describe the course of the Anterior Tibial Artery into the foot.
- The Dorsalis Pedis a. is the direct continuation of the Anterior Tibial a. in the foot.
- The DP courses between the tendon of the EHL & Extensor Digitorum Brevis
- The DP first gives off Medial & Lateral Tarsal a.
- As the DP passes into the first interosseous space, it gives off the Arcuate a.
- The DP then divides into the Deep Plantar a. that goes to the sole of the foot, and the 1st Dorsal Metatarsal Artery
- The Deep Plantar a. connects with the Deep Plantar Arch of the Lateral Plantar a.
What are the branches of the Arcuate a.?
- Three Dorsal Metatarsal a. (2-4)
- Each Dorsal Metatarsal a. gives off 2x Dorsal Digital a.
What do the Perforating a. connect?
Dorsal Metatarsal a. with the Deep Plantar Arch
What is unique about the 1st Dorsal Metatarsal a.?
Gives rise to 3 (vs. 2x) Dorsal Digital a.
What are the most distal veins of the foot? What do they drain into?
Dorsal digital veins–>Dorsal metatarsal veins
What do the Dorsal Metatarsal v. drain into?
Dorsal venous arch
What does the Dorsal Venous Arch give rise to on the medial side? What does the Dorsal Venous Arch gives rise to on the lateral side?
Medial= Medial Marginal Vein
Lateral= Lateral Marginal Vein
What vein gives rise to the Great Saphenous Vein? Where does this occur?
The Medial Marginal Vein gives rise to the Great Saphenous Vein, anterior to the Medial Malleolus
What vein does the Lateral Marginal Vein give rise to?
Small saphenous vein on the posterior aspect of the leg, behind the lateral malleolus
What nerve innervates the heel?
Medial calcaneal branch of the Tibial Nerve (S1, S2)
What nerve innervates the medial aspect of the plantar foot, proximal to the great toe?
Saphenous nerve (L3, L4)
What nerve innervates the ball of the foot & medial 3.5 toes?
Medial Plantar Nerve (L4, L5)
What nerve innervates the lateral 1.5 toes?
Lateral Plantar Nerve (S1 & S2)
What muscles are in the first layer of the plantar aspect of the foot?
1) Abductor hallucis
2) Flexor digitorum brevis
3) Abductor digiti minimi
What is in the second layer of the plantar aspect of the foot?
Remember 2nd layer= 2 muscles & 2 tendons
- Flexor digitorum longus
- Flexor hallucis longus
- Quadratus plantae
- Lumbrical muscles (x4)
What is in the third layer of the plantar foot?
Remember 3rd layer= 3 muscles
1) Flexor digiti minimi brevis
2) Adductor hallicus (oblique & transverse heads)
3) Flexor hallucis brevis
What is in the fourth layer of the plantar foot?
Remember 2 muscles & 2 tendons:
- Peroneus longus
- Tibialis posterior tendon
- Plantar interossei
- Dorsal interossei
What are the branches of the Tibial nerve that extend into the foot?
1) Medial calcaneal= heel
2) Medal plantar= medial 3.5 toes
3) Lateral plantar= lateral 1.5 toes
What are the four muscles innervated by the medial plantar nerve? What provides the motor branches the the remainder of the intrinsic muscles of the foot?
1) 1st Lumbrical
2) Abductor Hallucis
3) Flexor Digitorum Brevis
4) Flexor Hallucis Brevis
Mnemonic= “LAFF muscles”
Lateral plantar= rest
How many dorsal interossei are there?
What is the function of the dorsal interossei?
How many plantar interossei are there?
What is the function of the plantar interossei?