Exam #4: Pelvis II Flashcards
Describe the path of sperm from the testes to bulbouretheral gland.
- Testes
- Epididymis
- Ductus Deferens
- Seminal vesiculus/ Ejaculatory duct
- Prostate
- Bulbouretheral gland
What volume of fluid do the seminal colliculus, prostate, and bulbouretheral glands contribute?
Seminal colliculus= 60%
Prostate= 20%
Bulbouretheral Gland= 10%
What two structures form the ejaculatory duct?
Seminal colliculus & Ductus Deferens
What is BPH?
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (Hypertrophy)
- Occurs w/ aging
- Leads to swelling of a lobe of the prostate–>impingement of the urethera
- Sx= weak stream & urinary urgency
How is BPH treated?
TURP= Transurethral Resection of the Prostate
- Insert resectoscope w/ electrical loop on end
- Head removes part of prostate
What are the complications of TURP?
- Sperm reflux into bladder
- Urine dribbling/ incontinence
What is the difference in control of the external & internal uretheral sphincters?
External= voluntary Internal= involuntary
What is the difference between a space & a pouch?
Pouch is a potential space for the accumulation of fluid & infection
What is the Space of Retzius?
- Retropubic space behind pubis in males & females
- Functions to accomodate bladder distension
What is the retrorectal space?
- Space behind the rectum in males & females
- Functions to accomodate rectal expansion
What pouch is specific to males?
Rectovesical pouch
- Between bladder/prostate & rectum
What pouches are specific to females?
- Vesicouterine pouch
- Rectouterine pouch/ Pouch of Douglas
What is the Vesicouterine Pouch?
Anterior space between bladder & uterus
What is the Rectouterine Pouch?
Posterior space between uterus & rectum
Which pouch in females is easier to access if there is an infection?
Pouch of Douglas/ Rectouterine pouch
What does the external iliac artery continue into the lower limb as?
Femoral artery
What does the internal iliac artery bifurcate into?
Anterior & Posterior Divisions of the Internal Iliac Artery
What are the branches of the posterior division of the internal iliac artery?
1) Iliolumbar–> lumbar spine
2) Lateral sacral–> sacrum
3) Superior gluteal
Where does the superior gluteal artery typically pass?
Between L5 & S1 nerves
What are the branches of the anterior division of the internal iliac artery?
- Obturator
- Umbilical
- Inferior Gluteal
- Internal Pudendal–>Perineum
- Uterine
- Inferior Vesicular
- Middle Rectal
What is the branch of the umbilical artery?
Superior vesicular (bladder)
What nerves does the inferior gluteal artery pass through?
S1 & S2
What is the branch of the uterine artery?
Lumbosacral Trunk
Sciatic Nerve
Pudendal Nerve
Superior Gluteal
Inferior Gluteal
What is the ganglion impar?
End of the sympathetic trunk
What was the function of the umbilical artery prior to birth?
Carry deoxygenated blood from fetus to placenta
What are the vaginal fornices?
Superior portions of the vagina, extending into the recesses created by the vaginal portion of cervix.
What sacral nerves emerge through the piriformis muscle?
S1, S2, & S3