Exam 2 Rest of Lec Notes and Missed Notes Flashcards
lower blood pressure, stop firing …
… is increased with higher BP
firing of baroreceptors
hypothalamus directly responsible in changing BP in response to stress, also regulates body temp by getting chemical signals to increase body temp - only immune cells that produce cytokines called … (fire makers - released for things like viral infections)
… increases blood volume whereas … decreases it by having kidneys eliminate more fluid per hour
aldosterone; atrial natriuretic peptide
baroreceptors don’t have
fixed point
…: spaces between ribs
intercostal spaces
don’t want heart to experience friction because this would …, leading to development of … –> thus we limit friction by presence of …
damage tissue; noncontractile scar tissue;
… is where you can measure pt of maximal intensity
apex of heart
lungs encased in double walled sacs called …
heart wouldn’t be as efficient if it had … muscle fibers
… like arrangement that allows it to squeeze from the …
bottom up
…: wall separating two identical chambers
interventricular arteyr: … artery in the heart, except for aorta, aka …
heart attacks here typically ftal
largest; widowmaker
external line of demarcation is the
interventricular septum
vena cava and coronary sinus deliver … blood, coronary sinus is the “main dumping vein” for the heart’s own blood delivery system
oxygen poor
heart tissue is too … to allow for diffusion of blood into the muscles which is why its own system of … and … is essential
arteries; veins