embryology and histology Flashcards
study of prental developement
study of the structure and function of tissues
begings at the start of pregnancy and continues to birth
parental development
union of male sperm and the ovum of the female
permanent teeth with primary predecessors
tissues that support the teeth in the alveolar bone
enamal forming cells
dentin forming cells
cementum forming cells
cells that reabsorb cementum
cells that reabsorb bone
the normal process of shedding primary is
stratified squamous epithelium
made up of oral mucosa
masticatory mucosa
oral mucosa that covers the hard palate, dorsum of the tongue and gingiva
preimplantation period
first period of prenatal development
what prenatal development is the most critical
embryonic period
embryonic layer that differentiates into cartilage , bones and muscles is
clinical crown
portion of the tooth that is visible in the mouth
process of adding a new bone
process of eliminating existing bone
largest mineral component in enamel
inner layer
what layer is ectoderm
outer layer
middle layer
forms bones, muscles and nerves of the face. lower lip, facial development between 4th - 8th week
first branchial arch
what branch forms the styloid process, muscle of facial expression, part of the hyoid bone, side and front of the neck
second branchial arch (hyoid arch)
what arch forms body of the hyoid and posterior of tongue
third branchial arch
forms structure of the lower throat, thyroid cartilage, muscle, and nerves of the pharynx and larynx
fourth, fifth, sixth branchial arch
primary palate
the shelf that separates the oral and nasal cavities
secondary palate
the final palate formed during embryonic development will extend to form soft palate
environmental influences eg; chemicals,drug, radiation
process of tooth formation
bud stage is also known as
cap stage is also known as
bell stage is known as
histodifferentiation & morphodifferentiation
dental lamina
thickened band of oral epithelium
enamel forming cells
dentin forming cells
cells that form cementum
grooves on biting surfaces
enamel defect, small pinpoint hole
movement of the tooth into its functional position in the oral cavity
primate spaces
spaces between primary teeth
where is the enamel LOCATED
enamel organ
where is dentin located
dental papilla
where is the Cementum LOCATED
dental sac
what layer is enamel from
ectoderm layer
what layer is dentin from
what layer is cementum from
what is the hardest material in the body
whats formed from branchial arch
mandibular arch, anterior alveolar process, muscle of mastication
hunter schreger bands
dark and light bands in the enamel
primary dentin
formed before eruption of the tooth
secondary dentin
forms after the eruption of the tooth
tertiary dentin
formed in response to irritation
extension of bone from mandible and maxilla. Supports teeth in a functional position. Osteoblasts form this bone
alveolar process
the dense outer covering of the spongey bone. The central part of the alveolar process. Provides muscle attachment
cortical plate
the highest point of the alveolar ridge. Fused with cortical plates on facial and lingual sides
alveolar crest
interdental septum
between two teeth
interradicular septum
roots and one tooth
periodontal fiber group
supports the tooth in the socket
transseptal fiber group
supports between teeth
what is gingival fiber group
supports gingiva that surrounds tooth
apical fibers
prevents tipping, protects blood, lymph and nerve supplies. found around apex
extend from cervical cementum into gingiva
dentogingival fibers
dentin tubules
how u feel the sensation
extend from alveolar crest into gingiva
alveolar fibers
lining mucosa
cover inside of cheeks, lips, soft palate
masticatory mucosa
covers attached gingiva, hard palate dorsum of tongue
speciallized mucosa
dorsal of tongue, sensations of taste
space between the tooth and gum
epithelial attachment (junctional epithelium)
tissue at the base of the sulcus where the gingiva attaches to the tooth
Fordyce’s spots
small, yellowish elevations that may be on buccal mucosa
linea alba
a white ridge of raised tissue extending horizontally at where the max and mand teeth come together
horizontal lines on hard palate
labial commissure
angles of the mouth
vermillion border
red part of your lip (edges)
space between nose and lips
osteoclasts vs osteoblasts
clasts resorb bone , blasts form bone
horizontal fibers
prevents lateral movements
oblique fibers
upward direction, resist forces on long axis
interradicular fiber
found in multi-rooted teeth , enchancea tipping and twisting resistance
space between the teeth and inner mucosal lining of the lips and cheeks
oral cavity proper
space on the tongue side within the upper and lower dental arches