Chapter 11 & 12 Flashcards
study of the form of an organ or body part
Tooth morphology
study of the size shape form and structure of teeth
Primary dentition
baby teeth
permanent dentition
adult teeth
how many primary teeth are there?
20 teeth (10 per arch)
when primary teeth are exfoliating and permanent teeth are erupting
Succedaneous teeth
permanent teeth that replace deciduous (primary) teeth
Last teeth to erupt don’t follow a primary tooth
How many permanent teeth are there?
32 teeth (16 per arch)
What teeth are replaced from primary to permanent teeth
first molar replaced by 1st pre molar,
second molar replaced by 2nd pre molar
Another word for canines
permanent quadrant contains what
centeral incisor, lateral incisor, canine, 1st , 2nd premolar and 1st 2nd 3rd molars
primary (deciduous) quadrant contains what
2 incisors( 1 central and 1 lateral), 1 canine, 1st and 2nd molar
toward the midline
away from the midline
inside, toward the tongue
outside, towards lips
bitting or cutting edge (eg incisors)
outside, towards the cheek
grinding or chewing surface. Flatter/bigger surface. eg) molars
major elevation on surfaces of the canines and posterior teeth
wide shallow depression on the LINGUAL surfaces
raised rounded area on the cervical third of the lingual surface
a thin elongated surface.
rounded enamel on the incisal edge on newly erupted incisors
cusps of carabelli
5th cusp found on lingual to the mesiolingual cusp. only ever on permanent 1st maxillary molar and primary 2nd molars.
Referred to as the cornerstones
Which tooth on permanent maxillary has 2 roots
1st maxillary premolar
Another word for premolars
how many roots do permanent maxillary molars have
how many roots do permanent mandibular molars have
height of contour
the bulge or widest point on a surface of the crown
exact spot at which the teeth actually meet
contact point
triangular space between two teeth, when two teeth in the SAME ARCH contact.
where is the extra 5th cusp found on
permanent maxillary 1st molar and primary 2nd molars
helps tooth stay healthy. crown of the tooth narrows towards the cervical line
what do curvatures do
provide natural passageways for food and protect the gingiva during chewing (mastication)
apical third
nearest the tip of the root
middle third
nearest the middle of the root
cervical third
nearest the neck of the tooth
(primary and permanent) have how many roots on anterior teeth , incisors, central, canines
1 root
all maxillary molars have 3 roots except
3rd molar
the first digit indicates
the second digit indicates
the tooth
t/f; primary teeth have premolars
how is the PRIMARY universal numbering system labeled
How is the PRIMARY palmer notation numbering system labeled
with brackets A-E
how is the PRIMARY FDI notation numbering system labeled
how is the PERMANENT universal numbering system labeled
how is the PERMANENT fdi numbering notation system labeled
How is the PERMANENT palmer notation numbering system labeled
with brackets 1-8
when teeth in the maxillary and mandible are in contact closed position
how long do primary teeth last
another word for primary
what do primary teeth do
assist with speech, provide chewing surfaces to strengthen. Important to guide permanent teeth
when do mixed teeth last
6 -12 years
t/f; Permanent molars are non-succedaneous since they’re last to erupt
wisdom teeth are known as the
3rd molars
t/f; cusp of carabelli is usually on the lingual side
t/f; all anterior teeth have a cingulum a rounded raised area on the cervical third of the lingual surface
what do molars help in
chew and grind food, have a wider surface
which molar has fused roots
3rd molar
centric occlusion
jaws are closed in a position that produces stable contact between occluding surfaces of the maxillary and mandibular teeth
functional occlusion
contact of the teeth during biting and chewing. (in motion)
abnormal or malpositioned relationship of the teeth
curve of spee
the curve formed by the maxillary and mandibular arches in occlusion. (line right threw posterior to anterior)
curve of Wilson
a line is drawn across the occlusal surface of left mandibular first molar across through the occlusal of the right mandibular first molar
What tooth is the smallest in the dentition
mandibular centeral incisor
what tooth is to erupt first and what year
primary mandibular central incisor 6-10 months
how many roots are on the 1st 2nd 3rd molars of the permanent maxillary
3 roots
how many roots are on the 1st 2nd 3rd molars of the permanent mandibular
2 roots
how many roots are on the 1st 2nd molars of the primary maxillary
3 roots
how many roots are on the 1st 2nd molars of the primary mandibular
2 roots
what is the largest crown in the maxillary dentition
1st molar
what time period do primary dentition happen
6 months - 6 years
what time period do mixed dentition happen
6 years - 12 years
what time period do permanent dentition happen
after 12 years
class I (neutroclusion)
mesiobuccal cusp of the permanent maxillary 1st molar occludes with the mesiobuccal groove of the mandibular 1st molar. Crowding may occur
class II (distoclusion) division 1
(overbite) maxillary incisors are in labioversion (extend facially beyond the normal overlap of incisal edge of mandibular incisors
class II (distoclusion) division II
maxillar central incisors are positioned at a normal angle, lateral incisors are tipped labially and mesially
class III (mesioclusion)
(underbite) the lower jaw moves forward. mesiobuccal cusp of permanent maxillary molar occludes by more than the width of a premolar,
every tooth has 2 antagonists except
mandibular centeral incisors, maxillary 3rd molars
Most prominent groove on posterior teeth
central groove
which tooth is to erupt last on permanent
3rd molar
which tooth is to erupt last on primary
2nd molar
two grooves coming together in a point usually on occlusal sometimes buccal
class I
the pits & fissures of occlusal surfaces of molars/premolars
class II
proximal (mesial and distal) surfaces of premolars and molars . (can also include occlusal)
class III
proximal (mesial and distal) surfaces of anterior teeth ( incisors/canines)
class IV
proximal (mesial and distal surfaces) of anterior teeth but involves the incisal edge.
class V
a gingival third of the facial or lingual surfaces
class VI
on the incisal edge of anterior teeth and the cusp tips of posterior teeth.
permanent maxillary 1st and 2nd pre molars have how many cusps
How many cusps are on 1st 2nd 3rd molars
4 cusps but first molar has 5
Mandibular first and second pre molars have how many cusps
second premolar of maxillary permanent has how many roots