chapter 2 Flashcards
who is considered “father of medicine”
which artist distinguised molars and premolars
leonardo da vinci
who is referred as “father of modern surgery:
ambroise pare
who is referred as father of modern dentistry
pierre fauchard
which famous colonial patriot densists travel throughout the colonies
paul revere
who is referred as grand old man of dentistry
G.V black
who is credited with employing the first dental assistant
edmund kells
first dentist to use nitrous oxide
horace wells
first female dentist in the united states
emeline robert jones
first women to graduate from dental school
lucy b hobbs
when was modern dental assisting published
commission on dental accreditation of canada
Alberta dental association and college
college of alberta dental assistants
college of registered dental hygiensts of alberta
commissions of dental accrediation of canada
Hippocratics oath promises to
act ethically
National agency which is responsible for administering the certification examination and issuing certification is
dental assisting national board
what is issued by the DANB
certified dental assistant
basic principle of ethics are
autonomy , justice, nonmaleficence
professional who is required by state law to report known or suspected child abuse
mandated reporter
who interprets the state of dental practice act
the state dental board
reciprocity allowed licensed practioner to
practice in another state
when patient recieves proper sufficient care he or she is receiving
due care
the three contracts are
where should a broken appointment be recorded
patient records