embryology 1 Flashcards
what are structures of the H+N very sensitive to throughout development?
teratogens e.g. thalidomides
where does primitive pharynx develop from?
crania diverticulum of the primitive gut tube
out-growth at the head of the primitive gut tube
by week 4, how is the embryonic head like?
has a face, but no distinguishing external features
is half the length of the body
what are the pharyngeal arches?
a system of mesenchymal proliferations in the neck region (cervical) of the embryo
consists of core of proliferating mesenchyme cells, covered by ectoderm on outside surface and endoderm on inside surface
where are pharyngeal arches derived from?
paraxial (next to neural tube) and lateral plate mesoderm (somatic = top, splanchnic = bottom)
some contributions from neural crest cells (neural plate border, migrate before neural tube closes)
what are the main derivatives of the pharyngeal arches?
many systems of the body esp. brain (paraxial mesoderm), CVS (heart and great vessels)
special sensory organs (e.g. eyes, nose)
where does the pharynx extend?
from base of skull (mid head) to inferior border of cricoid cartilage (C5) of the larynx
how can the pharynx be divided?
nasal (superior to soft palate)
oral (soft palate to tip of epiglottis (larynx))
hypopharyngeal (laryngopharynx): posterior to larynx
what does each pharyngeal arch (paired body segments) consist of?
muscular component
cartilage component
cranial nerve (5,7,9,10)
aortic artery
how many pharyngeal arches are there?
5 in total (1-4, 6)
progresively smaller caudally
what is between the pharyngeal arches?
endoderm = pouch ectoderm = cleft (abnormalities can arise)
what is at the cranial and caudal ends of the pharyngeal arches?
cranial: stomadeum (mouth) - where the buccopharyngeal membrane (avascular, ischaemic) exits
caudually: heart bulge (eventually migrates to thorax)
what forms at the anterior end of the pharyngeal arches?
neural tube - to form the brain (3 buldges: primary brain vesicles):
forebrain, midbrain, hindbrain
what supplies the pahryngeal arches?
basket like arrangement of blood vessels
close association of nerves with arches
what lies in the floor of the pharynx?
aortic sac