Definitions for chapter 9 Flashcards
family of RNA viruses that have an enzyme (reverse transcriptase) capable of making a complementary DNA copy of the viral RNA, which then is integrated into a host cell’s DNA
enzyme that repairs breaks in DNA that occur during replication of the lagging strand
Sigma factor
protein required for initiation of transcription by RNA poly in bacteria
specific sequence of DNA bases encoded in a genome
RNA with a cloverleaf shape that contains an anticodon and is responsible for bringing the correct AA to ribosome
a group of RNA viruses which insert a DNA copy of their genome into the host cell in order to replicate
Transcription factor
protein that controls transcription of genes into mRNA
Origin of replication
place on a chromosome where DNA rep begins
Gene regulation
process used in all cells to control the timing, location, and amount in which genes are expressed
In bacteria, genes coding for functionally related proteins are clustered along the DNA
Protein that unwinds DNA and relieves torsional stress
Enzyme that separates complementary strands of DNA to allow DNA replication
In EUK, part of a gene that will form a part of the final mature RNA produced by that gene after introns have been removed by RNA splicing
sequence of three nucleotides that form a unit of genomic information encoding a particular AA
a mutated gene that has the potential to cause cancer, may be caused by viral integration events
enzyme that transcribes RNA and catalyzes the formation of new phosphodiester bonds
RNA poly
process of removing introns in EUK
RNA splicing
The RNA version and transcribed version of a structural gene or genes encoded in DNA
During DNA rep, DNA is added in discontinuous chunks called ozaki fragments
lagging strand
ribosome binding site in bacteria has this name
In EUK, part of a gene that will be removed by RNA spliccing
binds with ribosomal protein to form ribosomes, the protein translation factory of all cells
A sequence of nucleotides in DNA that is transcribed to produce a functional RNA
A trinucleitide sequence at one end of tRNA
the enzyme that adds new DNA bases and catalyzes phosphodiester bond formation
DNA poly
Adds a small segment of RNA to allow DNA polymerase to bind and initiate DNA replication
any process that initiates or increases the freqeuncy or rate of production of a gene product
postiive control of gene expression
During DNA rep, DNA is added continously in the 5’ to 3’ direction, one complementary base at a time
leading strand
A complex molecular machine that carries out replication of DNA