Definitions Flashcards
a poison from a biological process
used to describe the deleterious or undesirable effects of poisons
the disease caused by exposure too a poison
the amount of poison that under certain circumstances will cause toxic effects
Acute toxicity
the effect of a single dose or multiple doses during 24-hour period
Subacute toxicity
the effect produced by daily exposure from one day to 30 days
Subchronic toxicity
the effect of exposure from 30-90 days
Chronic toxicity
the effect produced by daily exposure for a period of 3 months or more
Chronocity factor
the ratio between acute LD50 and chronic LD50
Highest nontoxic dose
Highest nontoxic dose (HNTD)
the highest or largest dose which does not result in undesirable or toxic alterations
Maximum tolerated dose or minimal toxic dose
Toxic Dose Low
Toxic Dose Low (TDL)
the lowest dose which produces toxic alteration and administering twice this dose will not cause death
Toxic Dose High