Core Protection Calculators (CPC) Flashcards
What is the power supply for the Core Protection Calculators?
Class 1E Instrument AC Power (PN) Auxiliary Protection Cabinets each have their own independent Class 1E, 120 VAC power sources which are backed-up with an alternate Class 1E power source.
What is the Sum of 51in regards to CPC’s?
CPCs shift to and from a calculated value of ASI (Rule of 51/45)
Uses a fixed value or calculated ASI value based on NI power. (Fixed value at low powers)
↑ power: ASI swaps to calculated value when sum of the three excore detectors (one safety channel) is > 51% (~17% Reactor Power).
o Uses Pseudo Hot Pin ASI at low power. Validate ASI within limits prior to swapping to calculated ASI.
↓ power: ASI swaps to fixed value when sum of the three excore NIs < 45% (~15% RTP).
How is Azimuthal Shape Index (ASI) calculated?
List the Core Protection Calculators (CPC) Auxiliary Trips:
Trips with no pre-trips
How is Local Power Density (LPD) calculated in Core Protection Calculators (CPC)?
CEAC Penalty Factor
Radial Peaking Factor
Axial Peaking Factor
How is Departure from Nucleate Boiling Ratio (DNBR) calculated in Core Protection Calculators (CPC)?
C.R.A.P. Plus 3 (water parameters)
CEAC Penalty Factor
Radial Peaking Factor
Axial Peaking Factor
Plus: RCS Mass Flow, Tcold (hottest), and Pzr Pressure
Does CPC generate a CWP for Hi Pzr Pressure Pre-trip?
This CWP is generated by PPS not CPC.
Does CPC use Incores or Excores?
COLSS uses Incores
What are the Safety Limits?
In MODES 1 & 2: DNBR shall be maintained at ≥ 1.34. (Protects the cladding)
The peak fuel centerline temperature shall be maintained < 5080°F (decreasing by 58°F per 10,000 MWD/MTU) (4901°F (decreasing by 13.7°F per 10,000
MWD/MTU). Note that this SL is assured as long as Peak Linear Heat Rate (LPD) does not exceed 21.0
kW/ft. (LPD protects fuel centerline SAFDL)
In MODES 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, the RCS pressure shall be maintained at ≤ 2750 psia.*
How is the Safety Limit for Peak fuel centerline satisfied?
Fuel Centerline Melt: peak linear heat rate (LPD) in the limiting fuel pin maintained less than or equal to that value which precludes fuel centerline melting. < 5080°F (drops by 58°F every 10,000 MWD/MTU).
* Safety limit met if LPD ≤ 21 kW/ft
What is the purpose of the Core Protection Calculators?
CPC/CEAC Purpose
* Provide reactor trips to prevent exceeding SAFDLs (prevents violating safety limits during AOOs / normal Ops).
Does CPC use the hottest or coldest Tcold when calculating Coolant Temperature Shadowing Factor?
o (Lowest Tc) Coolant Temperature Shadowing Factor. Used for Calibrated Neutron Flux Power.
How much can a Reactor Coolant Pump (RCP) slow down before the Reactor trips?
The Coolant Mass Flow Program (FLOW) (CPC)
The program will reduce the calculated DNBR to less than 1.34 whenever fewer than four reactor coolant pumps are operating at greater than or equal to 95% of rated speed.
o Causes Low DNBR trip
o Ensures no fuel damage from four pump loss of flow event (AOO)
What parameters does the CPC Auxiliary trip “Operating Space” evaluate? What are the ranges?
Outside Analyzed Range (Operating Space Auxiliary Trip)
* Tcold (≤ 505°F or ≥ 590°F)
* PZR Pressure (≤ 1860 psia or ≥ 2388 psia)
* ASI (> ± 0.5)
How would CPC detect an Asymmetric Steam Generator Transient? How would CPC respond?
CPC Aux Trip
Asymmetric Steam Generator Transient Trip (ASGT)
* Based on difference in Tcolds (loop 1 vs loop 2).
* Protects against inadvertent closure of both MSIVs on a SG.
* If one MSIV closes, setpoint will NOT be reached.